Reviews from

in the past

a scattered dream that's like a far off memory, a far off memory that's like a scattered dream!!@!@#

This was one of my favorite games during my childhood. I loved the format of traveling to Disney worlds and meeting all the characters. The opening song was one of the first songs on my mp3 player. I recently played it this year with my girlfriend and it was still very enjoyable to go through.

I found this sequel very disappointing. The platforming and searching for hidden things was practically gone, and in its place was just combat. While the combat was fun, the overall package had been decimated as far as I was concerned. I did like the improvement to the story presentation. Humor scenes actually sometimes made me laugh, and the presentation was way better.

unfiltered kino and nomura's magnum opus in almost all forms

me compre esta wea con el manhunt 2

also a really good game but i don't buy into the "flashier + more explosions + more boss fights = better" rhetoric. still very satisfying to play but Press Triangle to Win is not fun imo. Roxas is a full-on mood though i love that guy.

Me parece que está al nivel del primero, mejoran muchas cosas y empeoran otras.

joguei no ps2 e era tao viciado que levei até uma tv minuscula pra jogar na cozinha

joguei no ps3 denovo
e joguei no pc
absurdo de bom

Jesus Christ I played this game until my CD was all fucked up lmao
One of my GOATS

:))))))) (please put it on steam)

If i was there id put a bullet in the back of the Rat Kings head myself

This review contains spoilers

technically i played 2.5 final mix but i didn't mark it. my favorite KH game by a long shot. i didn't have the opportunity to play it as a kid but when i finally got to play it i remember why it had me to interested. the story is great and the characters are phenomenal. seeing a more grown sora and co. is super cool and his black outfit is just perfection. the combat is amazing, it feels super put together and is the best combat in the series. the bossfights are great (especially xemnas and roxas) and it really screams JRPG at you (not a bad thing). Yoko Shimomura cooked once again with the soundtrack and keeps proving why she's one of my goats.

One of the best video game sequels ever made. Everything from the combat to the setpieces are big improvements over the original. There's less emphasis on puzzle-solving world design but that's okay, I got enough of that from Atlantica from the first game. Now I've got a banal music/rhythm I've got to keep coming back to.

A masterpiece, from its combat to its gameplay and everything from what I think, its perfect. I encourage everyone to try to step into the complex games which is the Kingdom Hearts series.

Fez minha infância, é muito confortável e softzinho.

wish i could play this game for the first time again

Para mí el mejor de la saga, el mejor combate, la historia mola mucho, banda sonora como siempre 10/10 y simplemente el mejor de los 3 principales

Loved this more than the first. Still had NO idea what was going on but I cried

Still a great base game to visit if you happen to want to play on original hardware for whatever reason, but almost no reason not to play 2FM or any of the rereleases