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ReMind was super cool, it’s a good step in getting more character moments from a series that really hasn’t had the chance to do things not pertaining to the plot. Limit Cut on the other hand is just the type of boss design I absolutely do not care for. It exemplifies the delay in jumping, guarding, dodging and quickstep. I do not care to sit on a boss and memorize their every move in a slightly better attempt to beat it.

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This DLC straight up SLAPS.
At first I wasn't sure if the 25-30€ I paid for this were justified, but this DLC comes with 3 story parts, a lot of fun but hard boss fights and a final "secret" boss that just tests your skill to the MAX.

The first DLC portion was a little slow to get started because it makes you redo some parts of the main game climax, but it actually lets you fight as other characters to switch things up which I gladly accepted. We also get some(!) answers to what happened after KH3, but it still leaves everything ambitious.

The second part of the DLC is about fighting data versions of the real Organization XIII. And boy oh boy let me tell you:
For those boss fights I had to grind to lvl 99 and get the Ultima keyblade to have a chance. Those boss fights are some of the greatest we've ever got. They are tough but mostly very readable. After I got lvl 99 and Ultima it got a lot easier, although I still had to concentrate and actually think about what I'm doing.

The third DLC part is the smallest but also the hardest.
The boss fight against Yozora.
I had to take a lot of tries and actually learn his moveset over hours to actually beat him. It was hard, frustrating... but also a lot of fun because it's just so damn cool.

So yeah, this DLC is pretty much essential for the game and has some of the best stuff for any KH fan in my opinion. I hope KH4 isn't too far away and we can have a lot of fun with it.

A somewhat essential DLC unfortunately makes the player repeat moments of the ending of the main game, making it intermittently feel compelling and climactic and also like a bit of a slog to get through.

The additional fights following the main ending are exceptionally difficult and, while I love that the game allows you to challenge yourself this much, were simply too much for me to complete.

Not sure if remind also added in the customisability into the main game - but I always thought it did and this is a great addition (bye bye attraction gimmick!)

The boss fights and gameplay improvements were much needed, but $30 for mostly reruns of an ending they already reran twice in the OG game is a sin I will always remember Square Enix

Contains some of the best scenes in the entire franchise and deeply understands that the best shit in these games is great boss fights. I think the attempt at recontextualizing the of KH3 is a bit messy, but the story of the entire series is a bit messy so this feels pretty fitting as a finale.

amazing dlc, worth getting the game just for this

cool story, the data fights and Yozora are 11/10

i'm so so on this DLC, on one hand it explain some minor details and give us some extra fan service as well, on the other did i really need to repeat the entire final act again ?

game is fun
nobunga does it once more

This was an okay addition to KHIII. While it did flesh out some of the ending story, it does so in a rather confusing way. I got it, but only after watching a youtube explanation. Ultimately my major complaint is that it lacks much game play. I'd say half of the "play time" was actually watching cut scenes. When you aren't watching cut scenes its just a typical KH end game boss rush (my least favorite part of any entry). The additional end game content is also bananas hard. For a game that I never died while playing on standard I can't even pretend to fight the first of 13 extra bosses. It truly is wild.

nice improvement on the original fights

the story added is nice enough

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I hate Yozora

Incredible stuff. The Re:Mind scenario was pretty fun and it cleared a lot of the issues I had when I first watched the credits roll. All of the Data Fights were so much fun and easily worth the full price of the DLC. Yozora is so fucking cool and I can't wait to see what the story has in store for the next chapter. I took half a star off for the lack-luster voice acting though. I am convinced they just emailed David Gallagher the script on a notepad with no direction whatsoever and he recorded in his closet or something.

some characters had weird voicelines in the story (mainly Terra and Riku) and tbh you are just rebeating the final bosses again.

However what is good about this DLC were the Data bosses, seeing final fantasy characters again was needed af but you can tell they were placed in last min and have no relevancy to the story.


best gameplay in the series, can't wait for kh4


crazy how that one new combo + the addition of oathkeeper and oblivion almost fixes every single problem with vanilla kh3 and makes it arguably even more fun than kh2

anyways this dlc fucking rules and basically fixes any issues i might've had with the og version of 3's finale (which i already quite liked). the redemption arc is... complete

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Un excellent DLC avec une bonne grosse dose de challenge, Yozora est le meilleur combat de la licence.

Fantastic DLC that redeemed fan perception of base KH3. Well made super bosses. Kairi redemption arc. The 2 best keyblades with the best formchanges. YOZORA.

Good, good, GOOD

I'm not big on boss rush modes and hadn't played the main game in years by the time I finally sat down to play this post-game DLC, so I didn't do the boss rush portion. I just played through the additional story elements which, admittedly, I wasn't entirely sure which parts were new to the DLC and which I had seen previously....

This DLC for KH3 is a great way to explain the main story ending even more, and has beautiful additions from another point of view. Aside from clearing up the ending better, there is the Limitcut episode with 13 Data Boss Battles...

Now each one of these battles is so difficult, you need to be prepared and level yourself up, and also unlock the Ultima Keyblade, other than that, you're going to struggle since these bosses can only be damaged at certain windows, so most of the time you're blocking and dodging, and waiting for the opportunity to strike, the Hardest Data Boss is Data Xaehanort, and Xion...

After you beat all 13 hard bosses, you unlock "Yozoro" which is probably the most difficult boss I have ever fought, he is so fast and agile, and bombards you with all kinds of attacks, this is why watching guides is important. The Link Summon Ariel carries throughout this fight so well, but you still need to recover your MP, Dodge, Parry, and pray to Kingdom Hearts for good luck. It took me about 20 attempts to beat this boss. And the dude looks like a mixture of Sasuke and Riku, or bootleg Kaneki.

Already liked the game but ReMind helps it so much, the data fights are the most fun I've had in the series and some of the most fun fights I've had in gaming period.