Reviews from

in the past

For a Game Boy Color puzzle game, this is alright I guess, there a decent amount of content, though starting the game over because of one failed level out of 30 when you also have a time limit which the game does not inform you of until it's almost out, isn't the best.

You may also go inside from hearing the grand total of 3 or so music tracks on loop for this 2h+ long experience. But the actual puzzles are pretty decently designed and salvage the game to "OK" if occasionally mediocre in my opinion.

A puzzle strategy game centered around a LEGO brigade trying to stop world domination from a cartoonishly evil villain whose VA carries the otherwise stiff and nowadays borderline unplayable game. The camera controls are the worst I've witnessed in any game, causing the pieces placements to be not quite accurate most of the time since you either can't see what you're trying to place or the place itself you want to put the piece on.

At the very least the dances, the tracks and the main theme are adequate enough for the presentation. Furthermore, the puzzles are clever to the point I had to use multiple hints sometimes. It would be nice to have a remake but the alpha team brand is most probably dead at this point.