Reviews from

in the past

absolute ass. 10/10. miserable experience. zenith of the medium.

Favorite game of all time, will add more later

this game affected me for a solid year

amazing story, soundtrack and gameplay, peak fiction and worldbuilding. just dont play limbus company I hate you project moon

A very fun game with incredible characters, story and soundtrack. (And painful difficulty).

Hod save me... please hod...

I love you nightmarish ass deckbuilder I love you angela

Amazing game, do not be afraid to use a guide since the fights are long and the game is unforgiving

"I have nothing but my sorrow and I want nothing more. It has been, it still is, faithful to me.

Why should I begrudge it, since during the hours when my soul crushed the depths of my heart, it was seated there beside me?

O sorrow, I have ended, you see, by respecting you, because I am certain you will never leave me.

Ah! I realize it: your beauty lies in the force of your being. You are like those who never left the sad fireside corner of my poor black heart.

O my sorrow, you are better than a well-beloved: because I know that on the day of my final agony, you will be there, lying in my sheets, O sorrow, so that you might once again attempt to enter my heart."

Most addicting gameplay I've seen in a while. Complex, thought-provoking, and brain rotting with an awesome story wrapped around it like a present. Made me realize I loved the turn based genre and maybe even deck builders. The only con is that it overstays its welcome with endgame content being a massive slog. Difficulty is vertical till it becomes horizontal with a certain red chick. Definitely worth the try but be warned it looks pretty dated.

I gave it 3 hours. I just don't like Library of Ruina or think it is well-made. I ended up having to watch a video explaining the nitty gritty of the combat mechanics (because they are not well explained in the game) and still didn't really enjoy it even after I was no longer confused. I love deck-builders but the cards lack nuance or interesting effects so far---maybe they become more interesting later. I dislike the RNG aspect of all the dice rolling. Also the characters don't intrigue me, the writing is a little too overplayed and forced to be edgy. The UI design is so clunky. The music is great tho.

Plot is great. Gameplay can be frustrating. Shelved not because of the game but due to personal circumstances and haven't found an opportunity to go back to it since.

4.5 cause Ayin isn't here kicking ass

"O my sorrow, you are better than a well-beloved: because I know that on the day of my final agony, you will be there lying in my sheets, O sorrow, so that you might once again attempt to enter my heart."

i am definitely not the best reviewer but i really enjoyed this experience so i am going to attempt! i apologize if it is messy

Library of Ruina is a game that has genuinely blew me away and impacted me so damn hard with its beautifully written setting, characters, and themes. The way it presents its world and characters with "receptions" that allow you to peek into the opponent's unique lives around the city before you inevitably face them. This format really tugs on you and never fails to make you think deeply about the person at the other side of your weapon.

The characters in this game are so painstakingly human. The themes of humanity in this game really fascinate me, specifically what humans are capable of, and what it means to be human. Agh. Anyway play this game if you can dawg what the fuck

Also Roland is fucking peak he might be one of my favorite protagonists of all time now bro IDEK

the only good thing about this is the music and that's it

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Roland is the black silence

this is game has the most worldbuiding and a lot of good character writing and cool artstyle and its bawling material so yeah really good but its pretty hard to get into or so ive heard i dont really know

great soundtrack great worldbuilding and story that ends up just feeling made up on the spot along with characters that just feel shallow.

suite de lobotomy corp, le gameplay n'a rien avoir la DA n'a rien avoir tout change et l'histoire c'est la suite direct, ELLE EST ENCORE MEILLEUR, l'ambiance est très différente mais le jeu par moment est vraiment terrifiant et glauque c'est une suite plus que réussi il a réussi a marquer complètement différemment de son prédécesseur

Malkuth save me... please malkuth

Profoundly well-designed combat, nowhere near as hard as most say as long as you're willing to experiment and keep working on new builds (which, vitally, is very fun). Be forewarned- there are some really arbitrary difficulty spikes, but nearly all of them can be overcome by just creating loadouts specialized to beat that fight.

The story lacks the focused, engrossing intensity of Lobotomy Corp (and is generally worse-off for it) and isn't quite as on-point from a ludonarrative standpoint, but it makes up for it by greatly expanding on Project Moon's incredible setting through what are essentially short stories that all intersect in cool ways.

This game is extremely punishing and genuinely too big brain for me so I had to cheat using a deckbuilding guide to even beat it, just to see the story through. It was worth it, but if you plan to play this legit I hope you love trial and error and spending time deckbuilding.
Worth playing for the story and characters alone, Roland is literally me frfr

ele demora um pouco pra engajar e suas mecânicas são muito mal explicadas, mas o trabalho de personagem da Angela é tão bem feito, e a reta final do jogo é tão bem orquestrada que quase parece um jogo perfeito. Excelente continuação para lobotomy e ansioso para o que a Project Moon ta cozinhando

this is possibly one of the best games ive ever played, insanely fun combat and nigh endless deckbuilding possibilities (and ways to break the game over your knee), all brought together with one of my favorite stories ever told through a game, easy recommend, 10

this game has changed my life for the best and worst simultaneously. i genuinely can't put my thoughts on it into words because hoooly shiiit

Desperately need me some Geburah

I'm yet to finish the game due to me sucking big fat volumes at deck building games but otherwise i'm absolutely loving everything else. The lore, the atmosphere, the characters, the voice acting, the soundtrack - all of it is just chef's kiss.

One day i'll pain it through and perhaps give it 5 stars for the experience.