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This game is fucking gripping!! It does a great job at building emotional connections with the characters around you, and the acting is phenomenal! I wept several times throughout this game. It’s hard to find games with such a high level of emotional depth, especially AAA games, but Life is Strange: True Colors blew me away.

the story is so sad and it also falls a bit flat in a few places, but overall, the game is so good

não é o melhor life is strange, mas é muito legal, recomendo

Una china a la que no sabes lo que le pasa pero después si

Me gusta la música... y Steph. La historia de la prota la podrían contar antes del último episodio para enterarte de algo.

Although emotion-wise this game didn't hit me as the first one did, Life is Strange: True Colors was more enjoyable to play and had a better story (in my honest opinion), with a good message behind it. Undoubtedly a large step up from Life is Strange 2, for sure.

There are many important choices, as well as choices and interactions that change details, whether big or small. The soundtrack has always been good in the whole franchise, and this game was no exception. I loved the power, it's like a "Super Empathy" thing, that can easily affect Alex's relationship with the people around her. As always, like with every Life is Strange, you have two romance options, a guy and a girl, - Ryan and Steph, in this case - but we all know that Steph is the superior choice! The visuals were enhanced without taking out the essence of the Life is Strange style, and the colours felt more vivid compared to the previous game. The LARP part was really fun, with those turn-based RPG-style fights, it made me want to be there participating!

I love that Steph made a return on the franchise, it caught me by surprise. Another thing that caught me by surprise was the song "Thank You", by Dido. Nice touch, Deck Nine!

Special thanks to my friend who gifted me this game <3

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I was expecting much more... The whole idea is interesting. But the only cool character came out of the picture way too soon. The ending was so cringe for me... Many characters are annoying, including the main character. Ryan is cute tho, I kissed him:).

Alexs power was actually so uninteresting and used like Twice but i suppose the whole portrayal regarding her struggles with controlling herself and whatnot served as an interesting plot as in Lis1 max’s greatest dilemma involving her power was her choosing between 1000+ residents Or her yearnestful Lesbian lover

Life is strange True Colours seems to have found its way back to its roots. The story is touching and heartfelt, with likeable characters with hidden complexities due to the new mechanic allowing you to read deep emotions. The setting is beautiful and really helps portray the story. It’s slow but in the best way possible, like a warm evening coffee. When finished I couldn’t help but smile with the happy ending I was able to orchestrate.

I don't care what anyone says, I like this kind of game. It's relaxing, the scenery is gorgeous, and even though the twist was a bit forced I still enjoyed the ending.

The 2nd best game out of an already stacked franchise. Also another personal favorite.

Probably the entry that most closely resembles the first game. The 2nd game started out promising but ended up being so boring. I think they overlooked the fun part of games and made it to win awards. Hot take but I think Before the Storm is the best in the series for the way it ditches big ideas and concepts to focus on character (the best character at that).

True Colors' Alex is not as cool or fun as Chloe but not as insufferably naive as Max. Alex is cringe but she is free. Her powers are essentially "I'm an empath" but it looks and works pretty well. Blue = sad. Red = angry etc. it's pretty simple. There's not too much gameplay beyond observing and deciding but the series has always been like that.

The middle section with the RPG that introduces turn-based combat mechanics is admittedly the most fun part of the game. Heresy perhaps for a series known for ditching traditional gameplay for story. But the way it weaved its way into the main plot made it a worthwhile detour.

I'll always pick up these games when I see them. But please take this note to heart - your main characters are TOO cringe and it is NOT relatable! Have a little confidence!

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Life is Strange: True Colors is a visually stunning and auditory masterpiece, and absolutely nails the vibe of a small town’s close-knit community. This game remedies a lot of the issues I had with its predecessors, where relationships between characters felt largely synthetic and impersonal save for the main character and their love interest. Here, these characters see each other every day and live in a town that they all help to maintain; therefore, so many of the relationships and attitudes felt natural and well-established. Probably my favorite part of the game was that I could not only feel but see how my choices mattered (and they mattered in the end)! It felt so rewarding watching everyone come to Alex’s defense in the end, and it was all because I took the time to interact with others and lend a shoulder where I could. Also, side note, Alex and Steph are SO cute together!

Speaking of her, Alex is also an incredible main character! Her story feels genuine, and she’s easy to empathize with. Though, on the subject of empathy, the fact that her super power is just her going “I’m an empath” is ridiculously funny. I really enjoyed the accompanying visuals whenever she tapped into an emotion, but part of me can’t help but wonder that if her “power” is just empathy, did they really need to give her a “power” in the first place? From a gameplay perspective, it’s hardly used and there are little if any puzzles attached to it (compared to something like Max’s time-rewind capabilities). I understand the game would be less aesthetically-pleasing without the emotional set-pieces, but sometimes I feel like her “power” is less of a power and more just her being a person.

Alex’s empath powers culminate in a showdown that’s unfortunately my least favorite part of the game: the confrontation with Jed. Look, I get what they were going for. I get the parallels to Alex and Gabe’s father. I get that one of the last things Gabe wanted to get right was to forgive their father. I get that this game wants us to part the clouds of emotions and embrace the human beneath it all. I get it. I do. But it does irritate me that forgiving Jed is not only an option, but is the popular option. Setting aside the fact that he’s directly responsible for the deaths of 7 people which he attempted to cover up, was hailed as a hero for the people he “saved,” got another person killed for attempting to cover up his previous murders, the fact that he LIED to Alex, attempted to KILL her, and then tried to MANIPULATE everyone to turn against her just feels unforgivable to me.

I feel like this game wants to teach you a lesson about forgiveness. That as we grow older, time moves on, and we change, and we learn, and we should forgive and move on. But honestly? Speaking from my own personal experience, I’ve spent my whole life forgiving, and forgiving, and forgiving and it has left me with so much grief. Grief for the person I could have been had I respected myself and my boundaries. Life has taught me that not everyone is deserving of forgiveness, and that’s ok. In place of forgiveness, I can offer empathy and understanding. I can take the time to understand why something was done, but it doesn’t mean I have to excuse it. So the fact that Jed’s redeemable at all well and truly baffles me.

Overall, though, this was a great game! It’s not without its flaws, but fortunately I went into this knowing it’d have its issues. Regardless, I enjoyed my time with it, and I’m excited to see what comes next in the series!

the story is very sad, but overall it’s one of the best games i’ve played last year. I’ll definitely revisit and beat again.

Honestly amazing. The acting was brilliant, the graphics, animation, the story, the options, everything. Would play again and will try others in the series.

I had a really great time with Life Is Strange : True Colors. The people, acting and world drew me in from moment one. Started to have issues when I realized the whole game funnels you through. There was no wrong option in so many scenes, There are only a few points where a choice actually matters and for me that brought the game down a bit. Situations didnt have much weight when I knew I could just test every option with no issues until I found the right one. Yet I still fell in love with the world, The characters, The vibe. I don't hate this game. I just wish it felt like there was more freedom to make mistakes.

completed this game in early '22 and it's so fucking good, the storytelling, the mechanics... the mechanics are so creative genuinely, and it's nice going back to having the MC have the power (as opposed to LIS2 or LIS: BTS) less cringe than BTS so that is something!

major props to having a Keaton Henson song in here in a scene that made me brutally emotional because of my love for the song </3

Los graficos increibles, pero la historia no me gusto mucho. Tengo que rejugar algunos capitulos para platinarlo y me ha dado pereza.

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True Colors tem o mesmo plot do 1 (no quesito de "vilão". Mas a diferença é que, um é sádico e o outro se odeia todo santo dia pelo que fez). Apesar disso, é um jogo que me despertou muita coisa. Se eu realmente posso interferir no sentimento de alguém, se eu posso ajudar alguém e principalmente, entender você mesmo. Existem centenas de situações que me deixaram tenso (Eleonor com Alzheimer, Charlotte em uma situação de luto onde ela culpa alguém pela morte do Gabe, o irmão da Alex. Sendo que a culpa e o ódio principal é direcionado ao Ethan, filho dela. A situação do Jed de ter deixado vários mineradores para morrer e, por causa disso, ele vendeu sua alma para a empresa de mineração pra apagar a merda que ele fez, pois ele não queria decepcionar quem ele amava e, isso acabou causando a morte do Gabe). A trilha sonora me pegou de jeito, a voz da mxmtoon como a dubladora da Alex quando ela canta me pegou de surpresa, pois eu não tinha reconhecido de primeira e ela botou muita emoção no canto, a ambientação como sempre, me deixa na vibe do jogo e todas as situações onde a escolha impacta muito, principalmente quando se trata de emoções, é algo que me mexe comigo. Foi basicamente um aprendizado, digamos assim. O defeito dele é que o começo não prende muito, se você não se forçar a jogar, você nunca vai jogar o jogo.

played the first hour but didn't feel it. dontnod has yet to make something that captivates me.

Eu tinha um pouco de preconceito contra esse tipo de jogo, mas eu me apaixonei por esse jogo em um nível tão grande. Arte e ambientação lindas. Recomendo muito pra quem curte o gênero
Obs: zerei e planitei com 12h

Plot genérico, poderes mais comuns, mas mesmo assim sou lambe ball

Wonderful soundtrack, super pleasant environment and relaxing vibe, a game to enjoy watching and getting attached to the story and characters.

Assisti uma longplay de uma streamer que curto, mas pretendo comprar esse jogo o quanto antes, mesmo sabendo da história, pois esse jogo é lindo e não apenas visualmente, mas um espetáculo de emoções, acabei chorando 3 vezes, um jogo curto, mas muito bem feito e com uma história cativante, mas obviamente não parece ser para qualquer um, tanto que seu ranking é neutro, veja uma gameplay de inicio de jogo, se curtir pode comprar que não irá se arrepender!!!!

Life is Strange: True Colors feels like a return to form for the series in many ways and an evolution in some aspects but it’s bogged down by its mediocre narrative and questionable direction.

True Colors has a lot of the ingredients that made the first Life is Strange special, most notably on the amount of focus on the environmental storytelling to make the central location feel lived in. Life is Strange truly shines when it gets a central location that evolves with each chapter and is sprinkled with characters that progressively develop and react to what’s happening in the story. Every chapter in True Colors, minus the final one, opens the town of Haven Springs up for the player to free-roam through. Giving the player the chance to explore, find interesting information about the town and its inhabitants, and helping out said inhabitants through whatever they’re going through during that chapter. True Colors’ Haven Springs feels like the best evolution of what the team learned from the previous game to deliver a gripping setting.

An underrated aspect of Life is Strange that has always made the series stand out to me is that these games really make you live in the moment. They’re not trying to fill the playtime with plot progression, actually, most of the playtime is spent with the player just taking it all in whether it’s to appreciate beautiful scenery or to ponder over what’s happening in the main story. This has made way for the “Moment of Calm” spread across the games to become series staples and True Colors does them fantastically. Life is Strange uses music in very special ways and in True Colors, it seems like they’ve made the conscious decision to use save licensed music to be played during those Moment of Calm sections. Giving each Moment of Calm its own vibe based on how the characters are feeling and the type of monologue they’re giving. I especially love that they added Moments of Calm to be shared with other characters, giving you the choice to linger on whatever you’re doing with a character to make it more of an intimate moment. True Colors provides the set-piece and the player gets to choose if they want to extend their time in it or if they want to get to the next one faster, it provides a fantastic way for players to pace themselves.

Alex is up there with my favorite protagonists in the series, it feels like they took the best parts that made Max and Chloe work as characters and ended up creating a complex and dynamic main character that I wanted to see the story through with. Another return to form that hasn’t been present in the series since the very first Life is Strange is getting a protagonist that has superpowers again! This time, Alex has the power to visually see people’s emotions and if the emotion is particularly strong, she starts feeling it too. Much like Max’s rewind powers in the first Life is Strange, Alex’s set of abilities changes how you explore the world and how you interact with its characters. Emotions are visually represented as auras surrounding characters in a color that represents the emotion. Most NPCs have these auras which allows you to tap into their thoughts and help them out if they need to or just peek into what gossip or recent story development has been on their mind. This mechanic is used as a powerful tool for the environmental storytelling in True Colors.

When these emotions get too strong, they can completely shift a character’s view of what’s around them, giving Alex the ability to tap deep into their psyche to unravel what they’re going through. These moments are the highlight of True Colors for me, with some of them becoming some of my favorite moments in the series, especially a touching and heartbreaking one that happens in the second chapter that will live in my mind as a standout moment. What makes Alex such a fun protagonist to play as is that she eliminates the chance of the protagonist not understanding where a character is coming from and misjudging them. Alex can immediately put herself in other peoples’ shoes and understand them more deeply through their colorful auras. Stuff like this shape Alex’s abilities into becoming a very unique visual and literary tool.

My biggest gripe has to be with the story of the game though. I won’t be able to say much without getting into spoilers but what I can say is that the story keeps building the anticipation of the player through the return of having a mystery drive the narrative. However, the aftermath of that mystery ends up not being worth the anticipation, making True Colors have the most unsatisfying conclusion in the series for me. I spent most of the final chapter clicking my tongue and shaking my head in disappointment. I genuinely hated the conclusion to the story. However I don’t want to let that ruin the great time I had with the first three quarters of True Colors.

Life is Strange: True Colors does so much right that I can’t help but root for it. I had a really special time in Haven Springs and even though I didn’t leave it in the best note, I’m holding on to everything I liked from it. Fantastic setting, dynamic characters, indie music, and a questionable narrative? All the ingredients to a quintessential Life is Strange experience.

Bit too predictable but the town is fairly well realised.