Reviews from

in the past

I can't believe I played this game.

desculpa mãe, desculpa amigos
eu amei isso.

I will give this FMV dating sim some credit for not being as leering and pervy as the Super Seducer games. It's at least way more wholesome and earnest, even if it's still very clearly rooted in conservative Chinese values regarding gender roles.

The videos are fairly well produced though the 60fps K-soap opera format looks hideous to me. The leading ladies are incredibly cute which honestly makes this a lot more tolerable than it would be otherwise.

The big failing, however, is forcing you to raise your "affection" rating with all the women in order to advance to successive chapters. It feels like the devs lazily trying to bloat the game's length by forcing you into busy-work.

Also despite the game encouraging you to romance numerous ladies at once, you'll get the shitty "horndog" ending if you do this, as I did, at which point I couldn't be bothered to go back and try to get a happier ending.

Broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - Technical disaster or bad design
Bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - The games not for me/below average/badly aged(nostalgia)
Silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - Doing well
Golden medal - 4 star - Above average games
Platin medal - 4.5 star - Might've masterpiece but somethings missing
Diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Medal: Silver
---> My Game Time: 3 hours 4 min

It is funny playing it, the main character sucks, the one bro is a real bro and I do not expect someone to seriously like the gaming because of its content because if this seriously is the game of your dreams.. man.. love can be all around you too, you just have to meet people.

So utterly misogynistic it fails to reach any point of competency. There is not a single quality in this main character that resembles anything relatably human, and synergetically not a single romantic candidate behaves like any woman that ever existed. By proxy and maybe my inexperience with dating sims, it is the most hilarious thing I've witnessed so far this year. An extensive case study on the male gaze. Love really can be all around, for you, for me, and for every twisted amalgamation of ungrounded personality this game's universe believes to represent.