Reviews from

in the past

I do indeed have depression how could you tell

bought this once because it was the top-rated VN on steam, at least at the time. not really my thing, but if you like visual novels you'll probably enjoy this. i was expecting more from the narrative, hoping it'd do something new with the concept, but in the end it's all decently predictable. that's not bad per se, much of the game's runtime is spent on building the relationship between you and lucy, which is fine, just not my cup of tea. if you enjoy stories focused solely on one relationship dragged out to hell you might like it.

The story is too short and both the plot and the characters lack development imo, but it introduces some interesting ideas. Some Blade Runner references.

Ah, sad robot weakness....

could have been cool if the protagonist was actually likeable and the story wasn't 5 seconds long

Easily one of the best visual novels i've ever read, with good emotional story, and memorable characters. I want to do this read a proper review treatment someday.