Reviews from

in the past

It sucks.

To elaborate, I don't think I've ever read another visual novel with worse writing. The characters are unlikeable, unrealistic, and 80% of the dialogue is just characters repeatedly apologizing to one another for dumb shit. I think I got only about a third of the way through before giving up on it.

A free furry VN done in RPG Maker. This is a pure visual novel despite the engine, so there’s no exploration or combat. Unfortunately, it’s missing some standard amenities that come with dedicated VN software: there’s no transcript, no rewinding, and no fastforwarding past already-seen dialogue. Because the game is implemented as a long, branching tree of cutscenes, the player is only able to save when prompted, which happens every 2-3 scenes.

The character designs are like... orthodox furry? Like dead center of the furry aesthetic. Bright blue and pink bunny people, red and magenta streaks in their hair, everyone's sort of dressed for an early 2000s rave.

The writing is pretty rough. It's a rapid fire series of anime/manga/vn cliches and packed with shocking revelations and twists that don't amount to much. I saved this quote because it captures the vibe of the writing in 3 lines: "I knew that my journey had finally come to an end. And I also knew that I'd never open my eyes again. But when they did -- they'd see the future I created."

Major/Minor is impressively long and ambitious for a free VN but it's also not long enough to establish the weighty character relationships that they're trying for. The protag is supposed to be inspiring heroic feats of will off of saying "Hm, I agree" three times to a guy they met yesterday. The game's high point is about halfway through, when the player is presented with a cruel life-and-death decision. It stands out among the other branches because the stakes are high and the immediate consequences are obvious. The game never hits that clarity of narrative design anywhere else.

I got the normal ending on my first run, and for now I think that's good enough for me.

Probably one of the worst VN's/story i've had to sit through.

Not only is the overall feel of the game clunky and slow cause of the baffling decision to make it in RPG Maker, Klace's "storytelling" is at its absolute worst (not like it ever improved in later releases). Even worse than the contrived, uninspired story are the character writing, not ONE is interesting enough for me to care, they just waffle on about your mysterious, unexplained power or about personal troubles that is obnoxious filler. Doesnt help over half of the characters are the kickstarter backers fursona's, joined by Klace's own fursona too for the equivalent of a $700 art collab. The one upside is that Klace removed the $22 FUCKING DOLLAR price tag in 2021 and made a free version, so the only thing you are wasting is your time