Reviews from

in the past

Faz algumas coisas melhor que muitos outros jogos de tênis, mas não chega perto de Top Spin 4 ou Tennis Elbow. AO Tennis também trouxe mais do que esse jogo. É claramente um jogo com orçamento baixo.

fantastic!!! chat did not like this game but I did

It is kinda fun, but so empty and also easy while having some mildly infuriating gameplay design decisions.

Fun but the matches take way too long.

One of the most stacked rosters in any sports game

Probablemente el peor juego de tenis que he tenido el placer de probar. Qué cosa más anodina, le he echado dos horas y mucho ha sido. Una auténtica decepción. Dios bendiga al gamepass.

realistic sports simulator that is very obviously cheaply made and not fun. The gameplay was so jank and stiff. Trash game.

This is the worst game ever created.

- My dear friend, Mac Masterbuilt.

It’s tennis.

Ok, I still want to review games like this because some games push the limit of what’s acceptable, but in Matchpoint: Tennis Championship’s case it’s a good version of tennis. The training minigames are fun, and they will teach you a lot about the controls, but at the end of the day, tennis as a sport can get a bit dull over the length of a good size match.

That’s ultimately good and bad. It's a great tennis title, but it’s for fans of the sport, and I’m glad Game Pass gets a selection of these games but this one is probably not for me or most people. It’s a touch difficult at first, though you probably can win on the easiest matches, it just will take time to master the game.

Pick this up if you like tennis and don’t if you don’t. I mean it’s a simple game and it’s intended for tennis fans. I wish I could say more but that’s it.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this month of Game Pass games:

É mais um jogo de tênis sem vida, infelizmente. A jogabilidade é praticamente automática, o maior trabalho que você terá é o de mirar aonde o bola irá. Nem o modo correira salva de tão genérico que é, com uma personalização bem vazia.

Sei la. É um jogo de tênis. Legal de jogar as vezes, nao tem muito o que fazer nem vai além kkkk

Look, I'm definitely just mad the tennis game doesn't feel simple but fuck, dude. Can you like not laugh at me while you're doing it?