Reviews from

in the past

at one moment i couldnt stop playing this game , like i was addicted lol bset game ever

Когда нет инета, это мой спаситель

this is a game presented through video

The ultimate time waster, alongside 3D Pinball Space Cadet.

Solitaire is a pretty fun single player card game and this version is solitaire digitally. Can't complain!

This will forever be one of the greatest games to touch this earth. The complexity and depth of the plot is simply unmatched and the true extent of it cannot be captured in a single review. The compelling story is like no other and is a must play.

A true cult classic. I have no more to say.

they really fell off this iteration with the ads

It's just solitaire, but with a really neat graphics effect when you win. My dad must have like 1500 hours in this one.

Lo único malo es que hay mucho fanservise (la reina está guapa)

já dizia armandinho: quando deus te desenhou ele tava namorando


Sometimes I got stuck and had no more possible moves, I wonder if that's unavoidable sometimes or if I was just a dumbass kid.
I tried to play this game with physical cards once and it was a fucking pain. Made me appreciate the video game more, honestly.
The effect when you win is legendary and weirdly satisfying. haha cards go brrrrrrr

fun way to waste time in class instead of paying attention to further myself closer to my degree im never gonna use

My review wasn't funny so I edited it

Tüm ubisofttan daha kaliteli

Classic pre installed windows game that I had some fun with as a kid. Nothing to special.

At least it didn't have the scary spiders like Spider Solitaire.

Think I might have actually beat this on Easy as a kid... Can't be sure though.

this is my depression comfort game im not joking

This is only for dads. When I have a kid I'm going to start playing it more often.

El juego de PC por excelencia junto con el Buscaminas.
Echo de menos el aspecto de las cartas de este Solitario.


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