Reviews from

in the past

Eu juro que tentei... mas já estava cansado do jogo base, mas no geral achei OK, imaginei que a DLC ia corrigir o que me cansou, maaas, minha maior frustação ficou mais intensa... Estava com minha arma e armadura em level máximo e na dungeon nova os inimigos simplesmente tem uma armadura muito roubada. Não é questão de skill de jogo, mas sim, cansaço de der que dar o dobro de dano em um grupo de recolor random apelão pq tenho que fazer um mesmo loop 10 vezes para achar um recurso aleatório para melhorar minha arma e dai virar um passeio passar pela parte... a graça da loja perdeu o sentido totalmente, tirando o charme real do jogo.

Un dlc con bastantes elementos interesantes que potencia algunas de las peores partes del juego base. La tienda que da nombre al título iba perdiendo importancia en la campaña a medida que las mejoras se acababan y la cantidad de dinero subía como la espuma, aquí directamente es anecdótica. La abres, ganas 3 millones en 5 minutos y hasta que las mejoras no se coman tus monedas permanecerá cerrada.
Hay objetos muy raros que solo sueltan ciertos enemigos en la mazmorra final (en algunos casos solo un tipo de enemigo y ni siquiera siempre, puede tener un %), haciendo que el grindeo sea extremadamente alto dependiendo del arma que se quiera conseguir.

Souls-like combat and shop management simulator don't seem like two genres that would fit together as seamlessly as they do in Moonlighter. The graphics are delightful, the gameplay loop is both challenging and satisfying, and the shop management portion of the game is legitimately fun! The trial-and-error of finding the right price for your items to maximize profit without turning away customers is surprisingly rewarding.

The DLC is a mess. The new items are horribly imbalanced, the game is now full of glitches & typos, and there's a plethora of other signs that shows a distinct lack of quality control. I wanted to like this game so much, but there's disappointment at every turn.

Between Dimensions is baffling. It's not the worst DLC I have ever seen, but it's the first I've seen showcase the flaws of its base game, front and center, so thoroughly. Everything that's bad about Moonlighter is worse here: the repetitiveness, the grind, the wonky progression, the dodgy writing, the reliance on RNG, the uneven boss battles... Heck, the game makes you go through the same dungeon over and over to get very rare items, and then fills that same dungeon with enemies that can pick your inventory clean of loot. It's incredibly frustrating. The only good thing about the DLC is that it makes 100%ing the main game slightly less annoying.