Reviews from

in the past

Great game between shop simulator snd dungeon crawler. Will pick this up again!

Como diria Chico Moedas: "O capitalismo é uma merda", mas no jogo ele está ao meu favor e durante o curto período em que eu vendia um livro por quase 100.000 moedas eu achei do caralho

Quite quickly I felt like the store part wasn't very interesting anymore, but I did want to see the dungeons to the end. Used a guide for pricing then and wrapped it up, but not amazed.

O sistema de inventário e de loja são realmente muito bacanas, mas achei mal explorado nos demais sentidos. A dungeon logo se torna repetitiva, não tem incentivo pra usar a variedade de armas, e os NPCs em geral são rasos e quase que sem utilidade. Uma pena, a ideia é boa

jogo bom arte linda porem a movimentação de ataque nao me pegou

Es un juego entretenido y con un pixel art precioso. Es bastante corto incluso sindedicas tiempo a farmear objetos para la tienda, pero es divertido. Tiene bastantes erratas, pero no son un problema para entender el juego

This game was really fun. I loved the dual dungeon crawling and shop keep bit. Really enjoyed my time with this game

A unique take on a shop management and dungeon crawling game. I wish there was more focus on the story. You get tidbits of the lore but it just wasn't enough for me.

I like the idea of a store being an integral part of a dungeon crawler but it just didnt hit home for me

Comecei jogar pq queria um jogo bem simples e com um loop gostosinho para jogar em paralelo com Baldurs Gate III (que é muito denso). Ele cumpre esse propósito, mas achei que enjooa rápido e depois de um tempo o desafio fica muito mais em você fazer upgrade de arma pq aumentou a defesa dos inimigos do que um desafio de combate/mecânico por si só. O que vira um jogo de farmar recursos praticamente e isso faz perder bastante do seu brilho na reta final... O bom que não é tão longo, me divertiu bastante, cumpriu o propósito e bola pra frente.

This game is fucking awesome!!!!!!

Like, fr, the idea of you going into dungeons and selling products in your store afterwards is incredible, I spent hours and hours of my life playing this, the game makes it seem like being a shopkeeper is one of the most exciting things in the world.

I love the game's soundtrack, and the combat gameplay is incredible. I loved upgrading the store too.

After Binding of Isaac my favorite Roguelike game.

A wonderful idea for a game, and has a lot of charm. The look of it is not extremely unique, but has its subtleties that make it shine. Mechanically speaking, it's a great concept. Harvest loot from monsters, then try to balance your shop around it. Unfortunately, I ran into frequent progress-killing crashes on the switch, so at some point I plan to revisit it, but had to put it down back then.

Hell yeah, an actual unique take on the roguelike genre. Take the loot from your dungeon-dwelling adventure, alongside the monsters you kill, and sell it in the Moonlighter shop! Use the money you earn and pocket some of the monster drops to enhance/build your gear. Cute art style with a pleasing OST, my only complaint is figuring out (without searching up/using guides) was the pricings of the loot you put up in shop. other than that, it good fun

Boa mecânica e progressão. História interessante, dividindo opiniões quanto ao final. Um jogo divertido!

i see a roguelike, i play it and i enjoy every second.

So i don't mind that the game basically requires you to stay on the early floors to get loot right it makes sense with the concept of the game, i dont mind a grind either, i do mind that this game is SO difficult. like sometimes i swear moves are just not dodgeable or they are dodged and it doesn't work. idk, enjoyable but im gonna shelf it and maybe come back to it when im in the mood for a long long grind?

O jogo base é perfeito, já a DLC abaixa bastante a qualidade geral

simulador de villareal (eres mercadona).

Jogo bem divertido. Além disso, cumpre seu propósito como um jogo leve e relaxante.
De início o sistema de gerenciamento de recursos e de vendas relacionado às masmorras é bem legal, entretanto ao desenrolar do jogo o sistema se torna um tanto quanto maçante.

Rougelike con elementi di un gestionale, niente di che.

Dungeon crawler roguelite? sim!!!!!
o melhor do genero, viciante demais e batalhas desafiadoras e satisfatórias com uma ost que dá gosto de ouvir.
10/10 this is gaming

Shopkeeper olduğumuz kısımlar tam istediğim gibi olmuş, ama combatı çok kütük kalmış bence. Kütük biraz ağır oldu ama oynama isteği azalıyor mağza işlettikten sonra ortalama bir rogue - lite oynamaya.

A premissa de Moonlighter parecia muito boa e interessante: cuidar da sua lojinha de dia e matar monstros à noite. O melhor dos dois mundos. Uma pena que brincar de Hannah Montana ficou tão repetitivo e enjoativo depois de tão pouco tempo.

Ao desbloquear a última dungeon, desisti do jogo e resolvi assistir a uma gameplay - depois de ver o final não me arrependo da escolha. Três estrelas pois me até que me diverti por um tempo.

I had decently high hopes for this game from the concept alone, but unfortunately it fell flat with nearly every aspect. The shop-keeping and combat are both extremely bare-bones and uninventive. They're palatable and definitely doable, but actual "fun" seems to always be slightly out of reach. On top of that, I encountered plenty of aggravating glitches - worst of which was my health meter forgetting how much health I was supposed to have and screwing me over in challenging locations. There were also typos in the dialogue, which is more of a pet-peeve of mine, but it really makes me question the quality control that went into this game. I didn't hate my time with Moonlighter, and I absolutely take no pleasure in trash-talking indie games, but I was disappointed overall. To end with a compliment though, the boss fights are pretty damn good!

INCREDIBLY fun roguelike with mechanics similar to Cult of the Lamb, but with selling! I've always loved games where you run a little shop and Moonlighter is up there as one of my absolute favorites.
Art style is delightful and the game is a bit shallow in terms of story but it makes up for it in charm, music, and a VERY very fun gameplay loop.

Ah yes, I love using the capitalist system in my own benefit