Reviews from

in the past

fun time! I ended up liking the cast a lot more than I was really expecting, and it was definitely a lot more comedic than I was expecting it to be given the overall setting lol. Most of the story this episode was fairly chill, but by the time I got to the end too many neurons were being activated to the point where I was only capable of saying peak peak peak peak goat goat goat goat

All I'm saying tho is put me and Ellen in a room together and I can promise you humanity will have great things to look forwards to in the future

I can't help but be disappointed with the production, even though it is much closer to that of the main franchise than the previous episode. They clearly tried to revive the comedy of Extra that continued until Alternative, but again the lack of sprites is a shot in the foot for everything they tried to do in reference to the original of the franchise. Imagine that there are several elements that when working together form the perfect blend that is the comedy of the main franchise, but here there is one of those elements missing. (Not that it is the only problem, I think the direction is not the best and it only tries to imitate what had already been done in the past, but without the skill or resources to do so. However, the sprite problem is more glaring)

Despite my strong comment, I loved this episode. As I already said, they rescued the SoL and comic moments of the franchise and brought new challenges in this new world and many are intertwined with politics, in fact the fact that TDA turned every action into a political action is interesting to observe since We must take each problem that arises from more than one perspective, the construction of the environment of this post-apocalyptic world of TDA is extremely well done and there is still a lot of room to improve and explore. Another comment I can make is regarding the BETAS, they once again had that omnipresent impact that they had in Unlimited and Alternative, during episode 0 due to a lack of consideration I believe on the part of the writer, they looked more like mobs than actually those monsters terrifying, they never experienced that terror and fear of extinction, here they succeeded and the battle during the final stretch was full of emotion.

I loved the entire WarDogs team and seeing Marimo again warms my heart. Now just wait for the next episode.

it's okay, the amount of exposition in the middle bored me a bit, but the finale is good

Of course I’ve failed. Many more times than I can count. That’s how it always starts: your regrets drive you to do better.