Reviews from

in the past

still so disappointing that this is sonny's big reveal game and then it flopped.
i mean its fun to play and ive done it a lot bc i had it on mac but like. mystery is nothing

When I was younger, my sister and I had a tradition that whenever a new Nancy Drew came out, we would make a break to the nearest Best Buy, purchase a copy, and we would go home and I would watch her play it for hours.

This is one of the first ND games where I remember getting up and leaving in the middle of her playing it because it sucked so much. Nothing happens in this game and it's insanely boring.

• lowkey wish they would’ve mistakenly put that george and nancy are dating on the new zealand teams list.
• i love that you can play raid in this, lmao.
• i was half watching the purge while playing most of this so let me just say ethan hawke is hot.
• oh, no! our george! it’s broken! :/
• the announcer lady is amazing.
• bess marvin is me in any social situation. also her eventual thirsting for sonny soon aka markiplier? same.
• i know most everyone hates this game but i lowkey really like it.
• patrick is a confirmed himbo.
• “let’s talk space, my boy!” 🥹
• the switch between the first and second confession of team matata was so good.
• leena having yumi’s voice is so odd.
• i love bess so much. >:((( also the cow story is wonderful.
• i’m so glad they didn’t make the submarine challenge super difficult.
• but also why is the sudden death puzzle so stressful for no damn reason?
• overall this is a pretty fun game, though i can see why it’s not highly regarded to many fans. ; maybe i just like it because i enjoy trashy reality tv.
• most of the puzzles were okay, but some of them were a bit overly complicated for my taste.

This game was so hyped since Sonny Joon would finally be making an appearance. Nancy doesn't even mention anything about meeting the guy she's found notes of at almost every place she worked? Furthermore, conversations get cut off at weird places in this game too. Also the ending makes NO sense whatsoever. Nancy "betrayed" her? Really? There was no need for a villain. What a waste for a setting in New Zealand.

Weirdly Paced?✅
Now one of my definite least favorites?✅✅✅
This could've been like. Really fun? They could've gone all out to make it like Survivor or Amazing Race but. It barely felt urgent or even exciting. My favorite part was hacking and giving myself 990 points and putting all the other teams at zero. And also carrying the fish around in my inventory the whole time. (ctrl+shift+tab+c my dudes go crazy)