Reviews from

in the past

used to boot this up just to watch the intro over and over it was scary!

MANNNN i love this fuckin game the art style and interactivity like drilled a love for horror into me at such a young age. just dyin to somehow get my hands on this again

For a throwaway kids game that its publishers intentionally shoved to the side, it is very ambitious.

A fantasic adventure title for kids; Nightmare Ned oozes with atmosphere and artistic sensibilities, one of my favourite titles from my adolescence. The fact that this game has to remain as obscure as it is due to a lack of any support for modern platforms or digital distribution is a crime.

can't believe I owned this as a child

A wonderfully atmospheric game that managed to evoke horror which was both kid friendly but had some actual bite to it while also having some silly charm as well. This was my first foray into horror games as a kid and I couldn't ask for much better, especially because it still holds up as an adult having finally played it to completion again a few years ago after so long due it to not running on modern OSes. There's so much creativity in every part of the game from the surreal Attic level, to the soundtrack comprised of both goofy showtunes and hauntingly beautiful instrumentals, the Mortal Kombat parody where you fight arts and crafts monsters, and the grotesque mouth level; its just all so memorable and holds up so well more than two decades later. It really is criminal that Disney will probably keep this game forever condemned into the annals of obscurity because it deserves so much more recognition.