Reviews from

in the past

The only mainline PJ Sam game that I feel misses the mark. It still teaches a decent lesson & has a fair amount of that imaginative flair on tap, but when I played it years ago it didn't run as smoothly as the others did & didn't engage me as much as its predecessors either. Perhaps worth playing for curiosity's sake, but not as good as the trilogy it followed.

look how they massacred my boy

I barely remember beating this one at all when it came out. I think this might be the game that taught me what progression-impeding glitches were… The change in Sam’s voice actor didn’t bother me that much, noticeable as it is, but the whole thing does kind of feel like a microwave-leftovers reheating of the first game. At least its art direction still has a semblance of life to it relative to Humongous’s budget-and-imagination-starved swan song, Pep’s Birthday Surprise (which I thankfully never played as a kid, or at all).

This one was alright. A step down from the first 2 titles but still had some good moments and the charm mostly remained.

This game removes the central tenet of the previous franchise entries; namely, that each lost item can spawn in one of two places so the game is different every time. Therefore this games lacks re-playability. A real disappointment!