Reviews from

in the past

Sometimes snowballs got thru hitbox when i played, still fun and i agree to whoever said its jus tribes

A fun arena-style action to play with online players (seems limited) or bots, albeit small and not without some mouse issues. Can get pretty clunky with the game physics and small hitboxes but the powerups and the pick up n' play functionality makes Penguin's Arena enjoyable playing in the thrill of the moment.

There was only one server for this game and it was 2 bots stuck and unable to move, thus making the game unplayable.

A real stinker of a title. Basically the whole thing is a 'Sumo' style of game, knock all the other Penguins off the ice to win the round. The issue is that gameplay is dull. The whole thing moves too slowly and is riddled with random bugs and issues that wreck the game.

The Computer players themselves are completely dim-witted too, either openly jumping off the ice float with little to no provocation, or looping in a basic pattern. Multiplayer is completely dead too making gameplay all but non-existant.