Reviews from

in the past

Muito divertido, viciante, engraçado, desafiante, nostálgico e zero Coca Cola. Preciso escrever mais?

Pepsiman, lançado em 4 de março de 1999 pela KID, é um daqueles jogos que se tornaram lendários não pela sua qualidade intrínseca, mas sim pela sua natureza peculiar e inesperada. Com uma premissa tão absurda quanto genial, o jogo coloca os jogadores no controle de um herói improvável: o próprio Pepsiman, o mascote da Pepsi.

Em Pepsiman, os jogadores devem guiar o protagonista por uma série de obstáculos enquanto ele tenta entregar refrigerantes Pepsi para pessoas sedentas em situações cada vez mais absurdas e perigosas. Desde escapar de rolos compressor até evitar engarrafamentos de trânsito, o jogo transforma a simples tarefa de entrega em uma aventura épica e hilariante.

A jogabilidade de Pepsiman é simples, mas eficaz. Os controles são diretos e responsivos, permitindo que os jogadores se concentrem na diversão da experiência sem se preocupar com complexidade desnecessária. A trilha sonora cativante, que inclui jingles pegajosos da Pepsi, adiciona uma camada adicional de humor e nostalgia à experiência.

Além disso, o jogo é repleto de momentos memoráveis e cenas absurdas que rapidamente se tornaram queridinhas dos fãs. Desde as interações estranhas entre Pepsiman e os cidadãos até os desafios improváveis que ele enfrenta, cada momento de Pepsiman é uma oportunidade para uma risada.

Em resumo, Pepsiman é um verdadeiro tesouro perdido dos videogames, uma joia rara que transcende a mediocridade para se tornar algo verdadeiramente especial. Por sua natureza única e sua capacidade de proporcionar diversão e entretenimento puro, eu não poderia dar a Pepsiman nada menos que uma nota perfeita de 10. É um jogo que nunca será esquecido, uma pérola da cultura dos videogames que continua a trazer alegria para os jogadores até hoje.

several times when i was a kid my dad would just set up pepsiman on his ps3 and i would treat it like a call to action because i was always there and i would always spend like an hour playing it trying to beat it and never actually managed to. one of these days though i will do it

guess the first real review again is... pepsiman

ah well, id end up hating games if i didnt let myself bounce between them

i played a bit of pepsiman a few years back and shelved it because one of those "running towards the screen" bits kept pissing me off. well here i am going through my unranked games (mostly web games) and seeing what i can rate and i see pepsiman again. looking up the time on hltb its not too bad of a timesink so i hop in.

the game reminds me alot of katamari damacy, which at first may seem like a weird comparison. let me explain. both are weird/quirky, almost downright nonsensical games with a banger soundtrack. like, is there any other game in which you roll up the entire world? no! is there any other game where you run through a fucking pepsi factory as a buff man in a skintight pepsi suit? no!

anyway i actually really liked the music here, its insane how good it is for some weird soda tie in game. all the level themes and the main theme are fantastic, i really love the desert theme, which kikuo shamelessly stole from a mere 19 years later -there are two seperate hyperlinks there- but yeah as a whole the ost is a gem.

another thing i liked was the fat guy who's in the cutscenes, really makes me wonder why this game was never localized to the us, or rather, the game was localized to japan. i mean all the text is already in english and there needs to be japanese subs in the cutscenes, it seems more like the game was localized for japan lol. very silly game. it's dripping with irony that pepsiman needs to bring soda to dehydrated people in the desert which will only make their dehydration worse... or the fact there's a place called pepsi city and the citizens set the place ablaze because there wasnt enough pepsi?? you cant make this shit up, its fantastic.

as for the gameplay, i was surprised. considering that i dislike platformers i figured id dislike this gameplay as well but i actually find it pretty dang fun. it's really fun to get through all the levels. especially the later stages with a harder difficulty curve. where it seems impossible but slowly it gets easier and you beat the level with ease after a while. another thing i really appreciated was the ability to save after each level, something i despised with dkc2 was it's saving system that would've only increased my rage if i didnt use save states there. it was really nice to be able to do each level as many times as needed without fear of fucking up since you'll only have to retry the current level. one thing that did put me in a blind rage however were those damn run toward the screen levels. i mean, in theory they're hilarious since the superhero pepsiman just runs away and lets a gigantic "boulder" crash into some building. more like super villian. anyway yeah these levels are fine in theory but in practice i didnt feel like i was learning anything and it was mostly up to rng/luck for when i beat it, it gets harder and harder to see the more you get hit too. the timing isn't that forgiving either. but other than that game mode the gameplay was great, and i'd be down to check out other games of its style.

overall quite the fun experience, do recommend

with the way people talk about this game online i always thought it was going to be hard or something, turn out people just like to exaggerate

the only good thing to come out of capitalism

Aunque seguramente fue un juego hecho para publicitar la marca es un buen juego, divertido con buena música y controles fluidos, la dificultad va aumentando al pasar de los escenarios, me gusto.

Did you think you can drink coca cola in front of pepsiman??????

Tried it for laughs, but with no intention to finish it.

this happened to my buddy olavo

This is one of the only games I remember ever playing on a PS1 and I just now remembered I did play it.

It was fucking awesome, most fever dream game I ever played.

Chistoso pensar que el mayor legado que tiene esta cosa fue el haber sido el precursor de los juegos de correr infinitamente para teléfonos.

Ta baisé ma mère fdp, arrête de me montrer du doigt avant que j't'enfonce ta cannette de pepsi dans le uc

we’re gagging for u pepsiman

literalmente o melhor jogo q eu ja joguei na minha existencia, choro toda vez q vejo o pepsi homem



Perhaps the greatest soda-themed runner game ever made. Now that's a genre with tough competition.

The dude hungers for Pepsi and the mans gets what he wants.

N existe nada melhor doq o Pepsi Man, o dark souls dos jogos de ps1

é um homem engarrafado numa pepsi ou uma pepsi transformado num homem??
apenas uma das perguntas que esse jogo nao responde!!!