Reviews from

in the past

First time playing any version of picross and this was an okay place to start? Solidified my interest in the genre and I'll certainly be playing more but the difficulty ramp is actually insane. Setting aside that I'm not ready to not be told if made a mistake (especially when it's really easy to misclick in this version), it's bizarre to include two puzzles that are straight up illogical by the rules of the game. Love the Pokémon puzzles tho, even if Togepi drove me up a wall.

(illogical puzzles: )

A nice SNES Picross game with tons of puzzles. I don't know whether I'm getting too smart for picross, but I felt like most of the puzzles were ridiculously easy. It's unfortunate that those that don't immediately tell you mistakes are so few and far between. I feel like 90% of the game are 15x15 puzzles and those that are even easier. By the end I was so eager to get to the last set of hard puzzles I started using starting hint that fills in a row and a column just so I could get through 15x15 faster.

Still, there are a few puzzles that got me stuck and due to which I've learned a new picross tech I've never noticed before. Fun!

Loved it. Great puzzle game. I never tire of the picross games, and with the Pokémon puzzles, this was really fun.

Solid Picross game, gets some minus points for the really annoying song that plays on every puzzle, and how easy it is to misinput squares if you are doing multiple at a time.

Nada mal para ser un juego de Nintendo Power. Una cantidad de picross aceptable, habiendo 2 ó 3 que hacen a uno pensar bastante (me gusta hacer los picross sin fallar nunca, y sin usar pistas), y hay tb puzzles de sitios turísticos de Japón con información sobre ellos, lo cual me parece un punto.