Reviews from

in the past

se eu fecho minha mente desenha você, tapo os ouvidos mas consigo escutar sua voz

I never actually played the first PvZ GW. I just know this one is a really fun game with a suprisingly robust story mode and a pretty sizable hub world for PvZ gun game.

Everything here rules, multiplayer, solo, everything nailed. I find myself coming back to it for a quick burst of fun shooter experience

Not just one of the best shooters of all time, but one of the best games of all time. My favorite game of all time at best in a 3 way tie for 1st at worse. Garden warfare as a kid was life changing in how fun it was. When the 2nd was announced I spend every day of my 10 year old life stalking news about it. I

Genuinely one the best shooters I've ever played.

jogo gigante mas hj em dia o multi ta meio mortinho

Parecido al primero, pero mejora en todo. Sin duda el mejor shooter de PS4

Es similar al primero, pero mejora en todos los aspectos. El menú principal pasa a ser un lobby en el que puedes hacer misiones de historia, pelear contra la IA del equipo enemigo, hacer minijuegos... Hay más personajes y son igual de buenos que los originales y los mapas nuevos tienen mecánicas que vuelven las partidas todavía más frenéticas. Solo echo de menos algún que otro mapa del 1.

It was abolute peak, what a shame its full of hackers now

It's just so good like how can an orange fighting a pirate be so incredible?

also fuck EA

Plants vs zombies 1, mas melhorado e bem melhor! Oque me desanimou com esse jogo foi a atitude porc@ da EA em colocar personagens GRATUITOS como DLCs pagas... odeio a EA...

The best Shooter ever made. COD doesnt got shit on it

Over 100 characters for a shooting game is crazy.

This was one of my favourite shooter games when I was young, I loved everything about it, and I'm genuinely thinking about playing this game again and getting all the cool skins and cosmetics

My favorite casual shooter. Lots of variety in classes, lot of fun ways to play and very simple, but never gets boring. If only progression wasn't based on stupid loot boxes.
Sadly its dead now, only a few lobbies left.
Thats the EA dor you.

The best Garden Warfare game to date...PvZ fans are eating good!!!!

Childhood game, the best game i used to play with my bro. but its dead now :(

This game made my life peak at 9 years of age

my first garden warfare game and it was pretty fun! the gameplay was fun, the ost is decent enough, the 3d models of the plants and zombies are really great! overall just a good game!

uma evolucao muito boa do primeiro

people didn't give this a fair chance its such a good sequel

i would do just about anything to get a garden warfare 3

5☆ - Used to be absolutely addicted to this game it was so fucking fun and it still would be if it had servers. Nostalgia +1☆.