Reviews from

in the past

Has some great new concepts that are executed greatly, it just unfortunately delves a little too much into slaughter map territory near the end. Highly suggest it, though. Provides a good challenge in the levels that aren't slaughter-y and the map design is great. The only map I got lost in was Map 19 "Back in Town," where it has house with blacked-out doors with teleporting linedefs to other areas of the map. It's a really cool effect, but it really obscured the exit when it opened. The final map, though, is complete tedium. You think it's going to be a race with another Doomguy with the title being "Last One Out is a Rotten Egg," but after a pretty challenging race course filled with monsters, the carpet is pulled out from under you and just gives you a slaughtermap. I don't know about the rest of the Doom Community, but I find slaughtermaps to be tedious and boring. There is no challenge to it at all, just spam BFG shots into the crowds of enemies (since there is plenty of ammo around) for around 20 to 30 minutes. At least with "Go 2 It" (the original Slaughtermap from Map 32 of "The Plutonia Experiment"), the monsters are spread out throughout a huge map, with plenty of cover to take breaks. Modern slaughtermaps don't even have that, just have all the monsters point at you and your supposed to deal with it. Aside from those two maps, the rest is a blast to get through. While it does delve into slaughterish territory from time to time (Map 27 comes to mind) it isn't as egregious as the final level and I found myself beating the levels in a timely fashion.