Reviews from

in the past

The first ever Pokemon game I've ever experienced. Nostalgia isn't enough on its own to describe my feelings with this game, yet it still aged very well to this day as one of the best remakes in the franchise.

Un des meilleurs ci ce n'est LE meilleurs pokemon. 2 région pour 2 fois plus de fun et de larmes.
Avec, à mon sens les meilleurs starter

Com certeza um dos meus remakes favoritos de Pokémon, apesar de não ser minha região favorita, tem um dos melhores finais que qualquer jogo de Pokémon poderia ter, enfrentar o Red é um desafio enorme e realmente te traz um sentimento de um verdadeiro duelo.

Pokemon HeartGold is a game that I have heard a lot of throughout the years, so I had very big expectations for it.

And not only did the game reached them, it also surpassed them by a lot.

The best remake in all of Pokemon's history.


The greatest, classic Pokémon experience you can have. The series peaked here.

The one I originally played. Was an amazing time back in the day. Pokewalker was also a neat idea. Still holds up, despite a couple issues like a weird level curve.

was too hard when i first got it and never went back :[ is prety tho

Champion Red fight. do i need to say more ?

A quarta geração realmente colocou a região de Johto pra cima
Gen 2 possui o pior trio inicial e a pior pokedex (isso antes de surgir a gen 9, claro), mas com o apoio da era DS e da quarta geração finalmente temos algum jogo de Johto que seja of the porra pros PROS PARÂMETROS DE POKÉMON.

Frankly, the Pokémon games have never managed to live up to their core conceit. This series has always been carried by what it could be rather than what it actually is. I don’t think a single one of the games is truly great.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I grew up hyperfixated on Pokémon. Up until my teens, I was a fanboy, plain and simple. I even enjoy the 3DS games to this day.
Thankfully, HeartGold and SoulSilver came out at the perfect time for me to love them, riding off the great wave of Emerald and Platinum in my last years of elementary school. These games were a dream come true to my young self and I treasure that I experienced them when they were brand new.

For as much as Pokémon leaves to be desired, I still hold that HeartGold and SoulSilver represent the peak of the series. This was the last time Pokémon would just iterate on all the features of past games and though sheer scope on its own doesn’t make for a great game, it compliments the core conceit of the series. Monster collecting is so much more fun when the world feels this lived-in and has this many memorable pieces to it and you have something to do with your companions.

There’s an infectious degree of love poured into the detail of HeartGold and SoulSilver that actually makes them pretty fun. I can see so many flaws in these games that I hadn’t as a kid, nostalgia usually makes me more doubtful and critical and despite that, I still think this pair of games is legitimately good.

fire pokemone game, and my favorite aesthetic from any of the ones ive played. peak shaking head emoji

I played this on the channel. This is the game that made me a fan of the series and it proved really fun to revisit since despite some of the weird design choices like the under levelled enemies around Mahogany, overall, the single player feels like a complete package especially with the fun postgame that is Kanto.

Deu aquela enjoada então dei um tempo pra ver se eu voltaria a jogar, mas sem chance. Definitivamente jogos do Pokémon não são pra mim

Some parts felt super boring but overall my favorite Pokemon game

HeartGold is not just the best remake but probably the best Pokémon game overall (even if I personally like Arceus a bit more). The game is a faithful remake with peak spritework and an expansive amount of content and features alongside some of my favorite Pokémon designs with Gen 2.

The DS era Pokémon games are just the best, so charming with great vibes, I wish modern Pokémon could be more like these games.

This review contains spoilers

this.. this is something alright.. i need to fight red because i never got the chance to

This and SoulSilver are the best Pokemon games in my collection

This is the game that converted me from playing mobile games and minecraft to a proper gamer. One of the last great pokemon games.

The game just tries to be so lovely, and it is lovely indeed.

Como remake es muy bueno, no es de extrañar que la gente lo considere el mejor remake y más visto los remake actuales.

-Contenido de las 3 versiones. (Esto les da alergia actualmente a gf)
-El único juego que te sigue tu Pokémon.
-Un tamagochi que venía con el juego.
-eventos por internet, sin necesidad de ir a ningún sitio, y con HISTORIA.

Seguro que me he dejado muchas cosas, hace años que no lo juego, pero se nota cuando gf se esforzaba por hacer juegos.

this game sucks because i was stuck playing voltorb flip for hours trying to get flamethrower fuck you

Oh god, I love this game, it's probably as good as the 4th gen, but I was amazed to see pokemons following you around! And it was mindblowing to have two regions at the time!

Also, the name of this game is so beautiful <3

I jumped into this one right after finishing Fire Red and while it's not bad I just couldn't really get into it the same. I probably will give it another go at some point though.

This is the best Pokemon game in terms of pure vibes. There's so much charm and so much to do outside of playing the main campaign. You can walk around with your Pokemon, play minigames at the Pokeathelon, compete in bug catching contests, explore an entire second region after completing the game, the Battle Frontier, the best Safari Zone the series ever had and a really cool final boss, just so many things to mess around with.
The main campaign is honestly the weakest part. It's pretty fun for a big, but a massive middle chunk of the game has every Pokemon around the same levels for hours and hours. Leveling up is a massive pain because there's nothing high enough level to get EXP from, and the game gets extremely dull fighting the same easy enemies for most of the main game.
Thankfully, all of the side stuff is super memorable and charming, and that's the stuff that really stuck with me. This game's at its best when you're just vibing and exploring Johto and Kanto with your team. Awful leveling, but enough atmosphere and detours to keep me coming back.