Reviews from

in the past

Unless of course, you have 2 friends and a summer to play the game.

league but its harder to get angry bc ur teammates probably havent developed object permanence yet

ta paia ó man so tem bot inclusive na ranqueada

the only moba ive ever enjoyed fun but can get repetitive and infuriating at times

Pokemon actually made a MOBA that I like

c'était pour faire plaisir à syham

button-mashy and skilless but gives you a sense of competence when other games make you want to kill yourself. extra .5 star bc it was free

El juego es muy entretenido y bastante rápido de jugar. El mayor problema que tiene es que los Pokémon están muy desbalanceados entre sí. Por alguna razón es muy sencillo subir elo hasta cierto nivel, que es mucho más que en la mayoría de mobas. En móvil es bastante incómodo jugarlo porque la batería se funde y acaba quemando toda la pantalla

Empezó guay ahora es un pay to win como la mayoría de juegos echo para móviles

I hate playing MOBAs, but it was obligatory to try once since it's a Pokémon game lol.

Played a TON of this at release and climbed the ranks using the ultimate badass: Crustle. If your team doesn't have that nasty motherfucker you might as well surrender.

Look, they'll kill me for saying it, but I fucking love this doofy ass game. I love a MOBA that doesn't require hiring private tutors to grasp (DOTA 2) or a MOBA that doesn't require you be on the sex-offender registry (League of Legends) to play.

What I think I like about it in comparison to other MOBAs is that the cast hasn't been infested with Anime Badass Action Heroes. Because it can't. Because it's Pokemon. All the Pokemon are so visually distinct that you always know who you are up against and what to look out for, instead of every League character becoming a variation of "Shonen Hero" who has 12 different abilities and can't die and also his ultimate is always off cooldown.

Hey, speaking of that. Is there a character better designed than Blastoise? Like, visually, how did they nail that? The original designer probably was nervous to show it to his boss because he was certain that Blastoise had already been thought up, I mean, he HAD to have been. I fucking love Blastoise.

Basically, if I can play as Blastoise I will play your game.

this game is awesome when it pits your squad of NEETs on voice call against people who have never played a team strategy game before. but it sucks basically any time else

como grande fã de pokemon e de moba, eu digo com propriedade, é uma merda

MOBA pokemon. Less balanced than you would think for a childrens game

Honestamente o melhor MOBA que eu já joguei. So que né... O gênero em si é decadente, sempre vai ter um desbalanceamento muito grande entre os personagens, e esse aqui não é exceção.

No soy muy de MOBAs pero este me ha gustado... Es de esos placeres culpables la verdad

This is my favorite moba game on my phone, I played with a friend for several months, very easy to learn, addictive every day, colorful graphics, cute Pokemon)

i see a lot of parallels between this game and atheism

le gane la toplane al puto reven en un moba lo tengo de hijo.