Reviews from

in the past

Pro Strategy Football 2024 is an exceptionally fun little highly customizable football sim. It's business and franchise management options are pretty shallow but its game engine and playcalling are highly developed. Each game plays out pretty realistically, with an infinitely moddable set of teams, jerseys, commentators, players etc.

There's a small but robust modding community that has just about every version of every football league of any era and any year. All fully playable with true to life logos, rosters, fields, endzones and crowd sounds. It's impressive.

While games like Front Office Football and FootballGM focus heavily on the teambuilding and financial aspects of sports management, PSF 2024 offers the best in-game play-to-play simulation. A very intuitive and responsive UI allows you to sub in players and change formations and plays on the fly, providing armchair playcallers with a pleasing workflow and infinite number of options to crafting plays midgame.

I hope the dev is able to deliver on his promises of deeper franchise management in future iterations