Reviews from

in the past

La historia es tremenda, los personajes son excelentes y los puzzles muy buenos.

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As a kid I would rewatch the Slot Machine Gun cutscene over and over because I thought it went so hard. In an alternate universe I would have probably made Professor Layton AMVs.
Incredible game.

Esto me recuerda a un puzzle triste :(

I cried at this when I was like 7 and thought I was silly for crying at a game. Over a decade later I don't think I was being silly. This game is incredible and objectively the best one, but I prefer Pandoras Box

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clive commited literally the biggest genocide ever,killing at least 8000 people,earning him god knows how many life sentences and most certaintly execution and my man layton talking about seeing him again

biggest plot twist in this for me is that luke's father is still alive. i straight up thought he was some orphan boy that professor layton adopted this entire time

Didn't expect a Professor Layton game to make me sad, but here we are. The Professor deserves happiness!

I have completed this game a few times before, but haven't finished my current playthrough of it.

This is my favourite game in the first Layton trilogy. It's quite a bit longer than the first two games and you can definetely feel that, but it's so worth getting to that ending. The story is absolutely heartbreaking and it makes me cry everytime.

Like with the second game, I recommend trying to get your hands on the PAL version, Lost Future, to experience the better voice acting.

não tenho nem palavras pra descrever o quão incrível esse jogo é, o tanto que eu amei jogar ele do início ao fim explorando cada detalhe.
os dois primeiros eu achei excelentes e me fizeram ter interesse pela série inteira, e esse pra mim já virou o melhor da série e um dos melhores jogos de DS (talvez o melhor).

a OST dele é perfeita, a história é perfeita, os plot twists são excelentes e toda hora vc vai ter um, além de que os mini-games são os melhores que achei da série até agora.

simplesmente PERFEITO

En este cierre de la trilogía (aunque haya un cuarto juego tiene todo el aroma a cierre) han decidido poner los mejores puzzles que tenían guardados y hay muy pocos para los que necesites conocimientos anteriores para realizarlos. De hecho probablemente este juego tenga más del 60% de los buenos puzzles de las tres primeras entregas. Dejando eso a un lado y que hay un mejor doblaje y unas mejores animaciones, lo malo.

La historia empieza muy bien y tiene un buen nudo, te plantean un montón de cosas y estás deseando que las solucionen. Bueno, a partir de aquí spoilers hasta final del párrafo. En lugar de solucionarlas el que sabes que es el malo desde el min 1 se saca un castillo ambulante fortaleza gigante del culo, y comienza a matar a un par de cientos de miles de londinenses en una enajenación mental transitoria, porque luego es buena gente. Se que acabar una historia es difícil y no llega al mierdón del 2, pero joder.

Lo que si tiene so conatos de corazón, Layton y Luke son más personas. El propio Layton miente, duda y de todo. Sigue siendo un personaje casi perfecto, pero oye, está bien que tenga un poco más de humanidad (excepto con Flora, que todo el mundo trata fatal todo el tiempo)

the writers should let layton have a gun all the time. it's ok, he's earned it, and because of that it's time to give him the right to bear arms

Do you know what's the first rule of writing time travel stories? Don't do it.

This one is honestly very weird. In some areas it's FAR superior to the previous 2 games. The puzzle solving is better than ever with the upgraded note screen. The story is by far the most emotional one in the series (which was not an easy bar to raise). It also gives some insight on Layton's past which is really great - you can finally feel like he's an actual character and not just a puzzle-addicted NPC obsessed with being a gentleman.

The setting for the story is initially interesting, but the further into the game, the more the story crashes down with weird Danganronpa-esque plot-twists and half-assed foreshadowing.

In-depth look with spoilers below

The Clive reveal is honestly just pathetic, with Layton mentioning a kid who lost his parents in the blast moments before it, and only after being like "tHaT WAs YoU???". It really made me miss out on the emotional aspect of Clive's motivation, which was only enhanced by the fact that the prime minister wasn't arrested along with him. And to be honest the entire future London is just too far-fetched of an idea that isn't even original (I mean just think about the first game - this is just like it, only sinister and dumber - like how did they even build it underground?). After the second game it's pretty much given that no "supernatural" things can happen in this world, so you kind of just wait for the twist to happen, which undermines the entire experience. And then of course it turns out that time travel actually is possible, which made me disappointed even more, but it's part of what made me emotional, so I can sort of excuse it.

Don Paolo's arc makes zero sense (how did he get his machine underground? how did he even get to future London?) and the way they connect him to Layton's past is pathetic, but at least he's finally a likable character. And even despite this, Flora still gets captured to raise the stakes in the most uninspiring and nonsensical way possible, while also being shit on by Luke for half the game. Not sure if I just don't remember the previous games enough, but it seems like the NPCs in this one are a bit more memorable, so that's nice.

All in all I'm not that surprised this is the highest rated game in the series, but unfortunately it didn't click with me well enough. Still hoping to see something better further down the line, but the games I've played were by no means bad - not even this one.

no lo juguye todfavia no se quitarlo

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Prometeme que nunca olvidaras nuestro futuro perdido

i cried so hard. i sobbed so hard that my vision was extremely blurred. i stared at the wall for an hour straight after finishing it. all of this having played the game four times prior to this one. 10/10.

Best professor layton, awesome music - but some boneheaded puzzles as to be expected

challenging puzzle game with a fun,but sad, little story

Genre : Puzzle/Detective Game

Gameplay | 13/16
This game gameplay is purely based on puzzles,like most detective games,and against what i though it was going to be,this game is hard,like really hard,i had to cheat for atleast 15 puzzles,and most of the time they are fun and doesnt feel like they are cheating,also the memo feature that you have is greatly helps your brain with the problems,i also like the hint

Sound | 7/8
Amazing,Amazing soundtrack,and the songs are classy,calming and when it needs to be,emotional,i especially love the screen title song and the credits song

Aesthetics/Graphics | 8-8,25/10
i dont really need to say a lot about the aesthetics of the game,just seeing it for a minute you get the appeal,they are absurd,extreme and diverse,they are all hand drawn and it gives it charm,and they all (mostly) just look cute

Story/Characters/Writing | 16/20
Fun,innocent dialogue,fairly interesting characters with their own little personality and story full of twists that keep it interesting,but because of the like 200 puzzles inserted in the story the pacing is a little off,like every 5 minutes you will get a puzzle

i especially love the dynamic between luke and layton,this kinda father son relationship,they go through a lot but they are a lot of fun together,i also really like other characters like don paolo and future luke

Side Content | 8/10
You get a lot of extra people to talk to and extra puzzles in this game,like i think more than 100 of the puzzles are extra in this game,so yeah there is a lot to do and it is fun,because,extremely hard puzzles are fun,at least for me

Replayability | 1,5/3
Not much reason to replay it,but that is not really what im looking for in a detective puzzle game,since with the mysteries that this kind of game have,you knowing them will make the experience less shoking and more boring

Playability 3/3
works fine,none a single bug or issue in my playthrough


Wow,just beautifull stuff,didnt know prof layton stories had such sentimental themes,the way he reacted to claire leaving was really human,he didnt want her to go and start crying from the frustration and sadness that even though she is alive he cant see her anymore because of not altering time,and when he cries and takes of his hat,that is a really emotional scene,i also like the scene with luke having to go because his parents were moving,it was bittersweet,its sad but they will eventually comeback for more adventures

Fun game with difficult puzzles and an sentimental story with fun dialogue,cant ask much more out of a layton game,only maybe the pace in the story miss up a litle bit,but the rest is great

8 out of 10

This Game was such a dissapointement for me while most of the puzzles were really fun and unique most the stuff inbetween for me ranged from slightly intriguing to outright boring. The game feels so bloated which is only firther emphasised by the puzzles in between the filler which are fun yet feel absolutely pacebreaking. The story i did not find at all interesting either the twist at the end had me completely dumbfounded in a bad way and most the characters feel totally filler such as the rabbit or the girl in the hotel. The ending somehow still however made me really emotional as the cutscenes with Layton in the end were heartbreaking and amazing.

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You didn't see THAT last bit coming Layton, you prick! Did you?!

I don't know if I finished this game or not D:


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professor layton games always have objectively stupid plots but it's part of the charm. yeah there's a fake london built underneath the real london, what about it. also at one point hershel uses a slot machine gun. 10/10 no notes

The best game in the original trilogy by a long shot. While the first is the only one that's truly a solvable mystery from start to finish, this one is still a lot more solvable than 2.

It's also the one with the deepest, most emotional story; the best voice acting (Miller puts in his best performance yet by far, actually making Layton feel more fleshed out); best OST; generally great puzzles; and overall feels like the most complete game. You can tell this was meant to be the last game, though I am very much happy we got the prequel trilogy, plus a new sequel incoming!

Just an absolute banger.

And yeah, I still weep at the ending.

My only real criticism is that between everyone pining for Claire and how this is the best Flora is treated (and it's still not great...), the treatment of women in this game definitely could do with some improvement. Claire and Flora are, at least, great characters from what we see of them at least. And I wouldn't call this game or series misogynistic or anything like that, I just wish Flora had more to do, and Claire wasn't just the motivation for everyone ever.

oh and i love don paolo he funny

best theme, tear up thinking about the ending