Reviews from

in the past

A great looking roguelike with tons of personality, and with a unique "mutation" system to grant your character his powers on each run.

However, the game quickly becomes repetitive, and completing the Tome of the Ancients and all Tasks from each faction becomes a boring slog eventually.

clunky combat. even silent hill's combat better than this. play hades or curse of the dead gods

Cool rogueLIKE, deaths are really impacting since you lose almost all your progress. I like the variety in the combat system, but the top down view and the slow-moving avatar break it for me. Also the graphics, going for that 80s style are not really beatiful while playing, they are really distracting.

fun roguelike! get it on sale.
beat it my second try, im kind of a god...

It's not that it's a bad game, it has fun elements of roguelike and nice combat.

It just didn't grab me though.

Cool concept, cool game, sets itself apart in the style it exudes but isn't super amazing otherwise. Worth a play if you like the genre

Didn’t realize this was a roguelike when I bought it (and I hate roguelikes). Still love the Double Fine humor and art style though.

I beat the final boss. It's one of those ones where you unlock the next cutscene each time you finish it. Apparently have to beat it like 8 more times to see all endings but the gameplay isn't any different so yeah I'm not doing that. It was fun, the mutations and the way it changes your character model is interesting, but it wasn't finish the game 8 more times interesting. So although I can't say I'm technically finished, I feel I've seen everything it has to offer so I'm done with the game.

It's a decent roguelike with the charm of Double Fine, I only wished it had a little more variety to it.

Primeiro roguelite que me disponho a ir até o fim. Concluí finalmente uma run nesse roguelite com visão isométrica, depois de diversas tentativas.

Não houve fim, mas reparei que apareceu brevemente um 1/9, então suponho que pra completar 100% eu precise fazer 9 runs completas. O jogo é OK, minhas experiência foi até boa, mas não me vejo voltando pra fazer mais 8 runs não. Foi bom enquanto durou.