Reviews from

in the past

Played on Android

Raiden is one of the original popular schmups that delved away from the fantasy settings and more towards a realistic military setting. Raiden is fast paced, controls smoothly, and has some great enemy layout and level design. To top this all off, Raiden Legacy has four Raiden games that are all a complete blast to play.

The first game is the original Raiden. Using 16-bit graphics and sound; it may look dated, but plays wonderfully. The sprites are crisp and clear and the sound is great. It starts off slower than the newer games with power-ups and faster paced enemies taking awhile to appear. This may seem familiar with some of the recent free-to-play or freemium bullet hell games today. The bosses are fun, there are plenty of jets to choose from, and I found it had a personality over the newer Raidens that made it stand out and unique.

Next up is Raiden Fighters. This is a more updated newer looking Raiden that you would see in arcades. The game looks crisp and clean and there are plenty of power-ups to go after. It is definitely different than the first Raiden and feels different as well. Just like all the other games in this collection, there are plenty of control options and each game has an Arcade, Mission, and Practice modes. It’s always a good idea to get a handle on each level, enemy placement, and power-up management before mastering a level.

The third game in the collection is Raiden Fighters 2. It feels quite similar to the first Fighters game and honestly could have been excluded and the package would have been fine. The graphics and sound are nearly the same, but there are different jets to use, enemies, and levels, so it is kind of a new game. Still just as solid as the other two and worth a play through.

The last game is Raiden Fighters Jet. Fighters Jet is more, well, jets I guess. You fight a lot more air enemies than ground and it looks and sounds the best out of the four. After you get to the fourth game it will start to feel a bit the same and it will start to become a blur in the end. However, these are fun shmup experiences and they work great on mobile phones. The control settings are customizable (I preferred Touch 200) and the game just looks awesome in portrait mode on high-res screens.

Overall, if you’re a shmup fan, this is a must-have. Keep in mind this is a more realistic military style shooter and less fantasy, but still a great game.