Reviews from

in the past

I can't believe UbiSoft made a solid level creation kit - With online support! You could share your levels at one point! - for their 2D mascot platformer all the way back in 1997 before Mario Maker was even remotely a possibility...and they didn't bother to revive this idea for the universally beloved UbiArt Rayman games that came out in the 360/PS3 era, in a time when online gaming was more readily accessible. Incredible. Beginning to see why the Rayman franchise went dormant for 10 years.

It's a shame too. Once you get past the clunky interface (which I'll excuse since this was a 90's PC game), this game had incredible tools. They really do just hand you all of the Rayman 1 level assets, say "Yeah you can cut pieces out of the level geometry and glue them together to create unique level setpieces", and let you change things like platform surface properties (you could make Rayman drown on dry land for instance) or how far Rayman has to fall before he triggers his "ah, I'm falling!" animation.

Unfortunately, at the end of the day, you are just making levels for Rayman 1. Why they couldn't give us something like this after Rayman learned to fix his controls is beyond me.