Reviews from

in the past

Hahaha, it’s a fun version, very hard but wayyy better than the minigame marathon that almost every other version got!

Still haven’t figured out how to beat it but it holds too many memories for me to not rate it so highly.

When i started playing this game i was not expecting it to be anything great to the nature of other rabbids games. I certainly was not expecting it to be an awesome 2D platformer with tons of charm and awesome gameplay. the game uses the touch screen controls a lot yet it uses them well and remains fun, despite the clunkyness at times. The games humour is actually great and made me laugh out loud a few times, and it more than makes up for the lack of any real story. My favourite thing about this game though would have to be the earburstingly loud parody music that's constantly being sung by rabbids. Overall its just a really fun, great game and i think on of the DS's best.

O jogo tinha tudo pra ser melhor que o original, mas nah... O modelo de Rayman é o mesmo da versão do Ds, e gameplay se tornou 2d, as fases ruins.

I remember being taken aback by the soundtrack having so many licensed hits. Or rabbid renditions of them, anyhow. Funny game, not sure how it ended up in my collection.