Reviews from

in the past

this was rather fun to play with friends back in 2018, 2019 and 2020

Does not present a single reason for its existence.

Was fun when it released but it looks to be dead nowadays

I'm a bit late to review this game, but when they added elements, I stopped enjoying this game. This game had great potential, it even started well, I had fun both in solo mode and with friends, and I rarely enjoy Battle Royales in general. As usual, Hi-Rez had to ruin it, and eventually, the player base started to decrease with time, until it came to what it is now. It started with large popularity, it even had lots of viewers on streams, it was Hi-Rez's new baby, now it is just a game that only has the servers alive because the loyal player base that lasted is still there, but this game no longer receives any major update with new content or balance.

I preferred Paladins Battlegrounds 100%, it was chaotically unbalanced, but it was fun and different from anything else.

saw Shroud or someone play this, and at the time, it was decently fun. but it feel off (for my friend group) really quickly

Só não.
Provavelmente por terem feito Paladins, que (querendo ou não) era um semelhante de overwatch low budget e ter dado certo, acharam que um battle royale daria também, mas neste caso não.

Funny battle royale that didn't last long because Fortnite and Apex exist and it was not balanced.

this game was really easy they definitely filled it with bots.

Pour un projet vendu comme un Paladins version Battle Royal c'est assez moyens. Finalement aucun lien avec l'univers de Paladins les seules choses qui réunit les deux jeux, c'est certaines armes qu'on peut retrouver dans Realm Royal j'aurais voulu un peu plus de clin d'œil à son grand frère. Sinon en termes de gameplay c'est sympas mais ça manque cruellement de chose pour réellement se démarquer des autres Battle Royal

Game was fun on its original release. Quickly fell off.

18 wins in a row is my record. i think 16-21 kills was my record but my memory is fuzzy on that

Realm Royale Reforged, despite its potential, stumbles with numerous issues that hinder the gameplay experience. From technical problems to unbalanced mechanics, the game fails to deliver on its promises and falls short of being an enjoyable battle royale title.

i spent money on this and i think that this was the most saddest moment in my life should've listened to my mom when she said it was stupid

used to be good on release

Um Paladins adaptado ao estilo de game Battle Royale e não é que ficou bom!! Não joguei no lançamento do game mas mesmo o jogo estando morto ainda é legal de se jogar com os amigos e é até fácil de ganhar, as vezes eu me questionava se tinha bots na partida. Bem... ainda estou esperançoso por uma atualização

Se você procura um jogo tranquilo para jogar com os amigos e conseguir aquela platina enquanto se diverte, essa é uma boa pedida!

It's too bad that this game isn't updated more frequently. Both stints I played this game I had a fantastic time playing. Solo? With Friends? It doesn't matter, this game is just down right fun for a while. There just isn't a lot to come back to compared to other BR's that are updated more frequently.

O pior Battle Royale que já joguei. A Hi-Rez não precisava pagar esse mico.

i’m surprised that anyone even still plays this game, have not heard anything about it for years

Jogo mto divertido e com mto potencial, pena q ele tá sempre meio morto-vivo das ideias

Divertido para jugar con amigos, pero le faltaban muchas cosas para ser un buen BR, no lo he jugado en la actualidad.

It was a fairly solid game but it sort of fell of honestly. I haven't played it since it got Reforged though. Charts show that it has definitely declined, but there seem to at least be enough players to get into a match.

ninja did a sponsorship for this hehe

Lo que tiene de feo lo tiene de simple y a la vez lo tiene de divertido. Lo apruebo porque literalmente a veces me entran ganas de jugarlo otra vez aun teniendo el platino.

This is absolutely the game of all time.