Reviews from

in the past

divertido e estressante ao mesmo tempo(?) não sei mais o que falar 😭 mas é legal

Flicking can be really annoying at times, and some games (COUGH THE DAZZLES COUGH) are real stinkers. But for every eh game, there are like 3 amazing ones, so it's all good.

why is this game kicking my ass

one of my favourite series.

the ds entry has p catchy tunes with decent inputs - on occasion the difference between a quick tap and a hold feels inconsistent, that is merely a skill issue

in terms of difficulty, it has an interesting curve - certain minigames are clearly harder, and they're not exactly ordered. however, the games you Do manage to play well and those you don't is one of personal experience

definitely worth trying. would not emulate outside of OEM.

This is certainly a heaven for rhythm enjoyers.

don't gel with this as much as warioware for multiple reasons, it needs so much tutorializing, feels imprecise at points because of the flicking motion, has total nonsense ranking standards and is generally less funny (besides the moais) or charming. plus the soccer stages are easier with my eyes shut?? besides a couple songs they're all good but not great. well it's cool and shit sure but besides having more challenge this isn't significantly better than touched and it's way worse than the first two, which can also be played on the first two models of the ds! i'm probably sounding like a hater but i'm keeping it 100

impressionante como até hoje tentam fazer um jogo de ritmo tão bom quanto rhythm heaven e falham miseravelmente

10/10, juego ritmico impresionante, maravilloso.

Es un imprescindible en DS, es muy divertido y ameno. Ahora voy a sacarme las medallitas que me faltan y los perfects. Vicia mucho, es muy chulo. Jugadlooooo

I don't have a lot to say but this was a really fun rhythm game, and one I can pick up to play from time to time.

I don't have anything to say about this game, but I did like it!

IT'S FUN BUT IM BAD AT IT. I gave my copy to a cousin that enjoyed it far more than me. I think she still has it. And my copy of Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time.

Very good game with a bunch of new cute minigames. It's pretty hard to play without a drawing tablet or something similar (if you're emulating, that is), but with that aside, I really enjoyed this game. Excited to play Megamix now and finally finish the series! (Please give us a new Rhythm Heaven game I BEG YOU)

Its fun, but i'll be damned if I ain't really bad at it

I don't prefer this game to the Wii entry, it lacks difficulty at times, and is frustratingly hard in others. Typically a level will require you to nail one specific section, which will be slightly different in timing than usual, in order to get a "superb" score. The problem arises when the bit you have to hit is right at the end of a 3 minute level and that is your only opportunity to learn the timing. I did only find this for a couple of levels, however.

Remix 3 in particular left me feeling sour, I finished the level without seeing any indication that I had made a mistake, which the game is usually flawless at telegraphing, but was still only given an "OK". I had to look this up and learnt that one of the minigames will give you a passing score and indicate you did well even if your timing was off, but will register that your timing was off when it comes to the final grading. I was unimpressed by this.

Has really got me in the mood to play the 3ds entry, before moving on to Rhythm Heaven Studio!

Would be a near perfect game… if not for Moai Doo-Wop and its sequel.

my fine motor skills aren't up to this but the presentation is indeed very charming

simples e bem feito, boa introdução aos jogos de ritmo

its literally for toddlers so whatever

On of the most charming and ingenious rhythm games ever made.

Probably the best game to introduce someone to the rhythm genre. It has very simple controls, tutorials for each levels, and the remixes are really fun.

Insanely fun Rhythm Game collection that also features Space Soccer 2 (Yee haw)

Lockstep 2 is the best.
"Hey now here is my review, for you, yeah that's right, I wish that it was longer but I'm too lazy I suppose"

might be the best in the series, it's so cute and fun and understandable yet complex

makes me incomprehensibly angry at times but it's got a strong visual style, great music, and best of all: i found it easy to emulate. my big tip for other people who don't have physical hardware: use a drawing tablet if you have one and resize the window to be larger. after that it's just practice.

the flicks are kind of a struggle for me due to hand issues, that i wouldn't be dealing with if i was playing with a stylus on physical hardware like the developers' intended experience, but oh well

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