Reviews from

in the past

я просто вахуе с того как такую уебищную хуйню вообще можно было сделать

I was always told that Ricochet was a very bad game but I didn't really know why but now I know why

Vaya juego más aburrido, ni cuando estaba activo fue bueno. Tiene mecánicas bastante obsoletas y no tiene chiste.

I personally find Ricochet more fun than Counter-Strike, yep, that's right, I finally said what everyone wouldn't dare to say.

Ricochet is a simple Half-Life 1 mode made by Valve and released for free, though it ended up coming on Steam for a small price even if it actually comes bundled with your copy of Half-Life so it being an actual Steam release is useless, but that's how we like our ricochet.
The gameplay is fairly simple, you throw a disc at people and it either bounces them away to their death or just gets decapitated by the disc, sounds crazy when you haven't played the game, but it's actually really straightforward.

Some people go around saying this is Valve's worst game but it's actually not bad for a simple extra game mode for Half-Life 1 as it's barely even a game if you think about it, I don't think it's fair to just say that this is Valve's worst game but with how good most Valve games are it's just hard to not pinpoint the odd one out, like Ricochet.
Do try it for a match if you can since it comes with your Half-Life.

nobody play this shitty game

nobody knows how to play this game, if they say they do they're lying to you

criminally underrated arena shooter disc throwing simulator

please accidentally buy me as part of a bundle

Peak Mutipleplayer. God intended for that

You may not like it, but this is what peak multiplayer looks like. fucking ricochet 2 when.

you only played this because it came bundled with valve complete pack

Its smash bros but good because valve, you know? Valve

2002 Ricochet world champion here to say that you are all wrong. This game is a masterpiece.

It lacks in single player stuff. When i started it there were two server, one private and one public. That each hat only 2 players. You see all the game has to offer in 10 minutes. Gameplay has potential though and i can imagine a modern game around it.

The greatest game of all time, Ricochet 2 when

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rick and morty
rick and morty

this game was gonna change the world and nobody accepted it

i forced 5 other people to play it & it was incredible.

Joined the only game session and the 2 players begged me to leave

Aight, so the game is dead. nothing more to say. i found 2 players and I was surprised, and also. It still didn't let me Play with them. it said i had to wait my turn. it didn't come

I wouldn't say its good but its fun

'Pendulum Hold Your Colour Full Album Free Download [MP3 HQ]' changed their name to 'Windows XP Serial Number 034634-262024-171505-828316'

'Windows XP Serial Number 034634-262024-171505-828316' says: WwwwWwwwwasdaasdsadwwasdwwwassd

'Windows XP Serial Number 034634-262024-171505-828316' triple-rebound beheaded player: 'HD Ricochet Motorola Wallpapers'

'HD Ricochet Motorola Wallpapers' left the server.

'John Ricochet' says: hhow do i i turn off auto Aim>??

'Windows XP Serial Number 034634-262024-171505-828316' left the server - Timed out due to a client-side error

'John Ricochet' wins! 1st place of 1 players. 0 total Points

'John Ricochet' says: how d