Reviews from

in the past

The ultimate measure of how good one of these sandbox-management type games is the level of personal depravity you can get to with your own knowledge: in that, it succeeds with flying colors, as my first win involved me continuously using a spy from the AI's creators as a genetic guinea pig to test out a virus that I made to perfect it so I could unleash it on the world.

It has just enough variations of how you specifically choose to experiment and pursue world domination while having a solid balance of not giving away your sentience too early to be engaging, and it's just cheeky enough to almost have a Portal sense of black humor to add onto it. It's very solid and probably on my list of favorite niche titles I played this year, though it is a bit too simple to give it any more credit.

i love this game its so fun I think this gave me the civ effect and not actual civ.... hehe. literally I can play this over and over

The gameplay is fun on its own and Talia is such a fun character that she really brings the whole thing together. ]] Who doesn't want to help an evil AI destroy humanity?