Reviews from

in the past

A rare action sidescroller that manages to slow things down and still be fun. The karma system is a thoughtful way of forcing the player to consider their actions which just blends well with a Samurai tale like this. The protagonist is a bit of a "cartoon with a 'tude" stereotype, but the serious samurai thing counterbalances it surprisingly well. This definitely feels like a breath of fresh air compared to its contemporaries. I do wish there was a bit more variety in the enemies or the combat though.

A game with surprisingly appealing graphics for the time, an open world, and some really cool mechanics like gambling and a karma system which must have been really rare back then, only held back by the fact that like most linear games on microcomputers at the time, you can beat it in less than three minutes, in this case by killing some guy just outside town.
I can't believe we seriously got NOTHING videogame-related about Usagi Yojimbo up until the new Shredder's Revenge DLC 35 years later.