Reviews from

in the past

The only party you would ever want to bring this game to is a sleepover.

Look I can tell not a lot of effort was put into this but I remember having a blast with this back in 2018 with my brother.

almost hot dog water but it's at least a little fun

Honestly pretty embarassing direction for the series- a broken collection of mini games and lame party modes? Played this with my cousin for an hour and never again.

the fact that we got this insted of a new game

esperava mais, miraram no mario party e nao chegaram nem perto

Boring party game. That's really something. When a party game is boring. You play it at birthday parties, and it's still boring.

I’ve played cool math games better than this shit

Bu oyunu normal scribblenauts sanıp almıştım kutulu. amk oyunu

i adore the scibblenauts series but WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST PLAY AND HOW CAN I UNPLAY IT