Reviews from

in the past

Cute game with amazing childhood memories!

The combination of stealth and puzzle is some of the best executed I've ever seen. Extremely charming game and brutally difficult. Some of the janky aspects allow for interesting exploits of the level but can be frustrating at times for the very same reason. Regardless, 100% would recommend

Um dos jogos mais criativos de todos os tempos. Dificuldade alta e muito divertido.

This is an amazing unique game with puzzles that feel fresh for every stage. Bravour! Don't sleep on this

Playing through this game as an adult - after not fully understanding it as a child - proved to be a blast.

The combination of stealth/puzzle elements and the classic Looney Tunes humor was lightning in a bottle. Inventive levels + multiple ways of approaching puzzles + great soundtrack = me being hooked until the very end.

Man, I remember this being so damn hard when I played it as a kid (granted, I'm not very good at puzzles even today)!

God, Infogrames really did push the envelope, even when it came to their games based on licenced properties. Maurice Noble's classic Looney Tunes background style lends itself INCREDIBLY well to the low-poly necessities of the Playstation 1. These environments do not miss a beat, nor do the character animations - the jagged messes of the models are animated so excellently that they are as bouncy as they are expressive. Full of life in ways few, more capable, games manage to achieve.
Sheep, Dog 'n' Wolf is almost overwhelmingly inventive, from its visuals to its level design, and invites you to be just as creative in solving them. I'm stunned to see how well this holds up, this game is a uniquely effective powerhouse of joyful cartoonish energy.
Slap that OST on NOW

fave game <3333 i miss when games were fun

Found this game through that one really good song ( Was severely disappointed.

Looney Tunes marks a generation of comedy and art that endures to this day. Infogrames nailed the source material by throwing Ralph under the spotlight.
Gameplay: once again, genious. Sheep, dog 'n' wolf is a good mix of puzzle and platform. Other Looney Tunes icons make their appearance too, and they are always enjoyable. Rewarding: of course, outsmarting Sam Sheepdog feels great.
Music: ground-shaking. The soundtrack rocks, plain and simple. One may expect tributes to the Looney Tunes franchise. However, Sheep, dog 'n' wolf goes more techno, underground, and anything rocky. It sets the mood perfectly and it's by far one of the most enjoyable soundtracks of its time. Kudos to Eric Casper, cited as the music director of this game.
Fix that jammy camera, and play this game. It's very good

Insanely good stealth game, fun use of Looney Tunes style acme products to do cartoony things.
You can run off of a ledge a short distance, and if you go too far he does the wave at the camera and sudden drop gag.

The late 90's/early 2000's seems to be when the Looney Tunes games hit their sweet spot. Sheep, Dog 'n' Wolf is another fun game the catalogue the PS1 along with games like Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time.
This game is far more puzzle oriented, having a lot of pretty brutal levels nearing the end, though no moon-logic is necessary to pass the game.
Where this games truly shines is in it's graphics style, being pretty accurate to the background art and enviroment of the classics cartoons serials.
My only gripes come from the games age, the cameras and control are a perfect example of devs back then not knowing how to give you good controls and view. Still, it's not even close enough to making this game feel bad.
An underrated classic.

Puzzle and stealth game that requires patience and creative thinking though pretty much every level has the same objective. Found the game difficult as a 6 year old, probably better suited to kids older (or smarter) than I was. Good soundtrack.

One of the most creative and charming platformers I have ever played.
It's a 3D Platformer + Stealth + Puzzle game, and that's as great as it sounds.
I love how it uses the Looney Tunes IP, from the look of the characters and levels, but the cartoony animations, ACME gadgets, and plenty of references/easter eggs. Hell, even the concept of the game, of sneaking in to steal a sheep, and then guiding them out to the goal.
Every level has fun and outside of the box solutions, that really tested me. It challenges you to find answers that aren't that obvious and to reuse gadgets/mechanics in ways you did not expect.
If not for its single boss being pretty bad, and a lackluster final level, despite a few other frustrating nitpicks, I'd give it the full 5 stars, but god does that boss and final level suck.