Reviews from

in the past

Fun fact: Roy, the save fairy, is called Salvo in the italian version of the game. Salvo is diminutive for Salvatore, literally "the one who saves". Salvo also speaks with a thick sicilian accent in the game because Sicily is the region where the name Salvo is most common.

The level with rising water gave me my first traumas, sometimes I still have nightmares where I'm slowly drowning

Nooo, que nostalgia fue jugar a Shrek 2, uno de los juegos que mas jugaba de morritx y que para mi sorpesa lo terminé en menos de 3 horas cuando antes me tardaba mucho o quizá lo rejugaba demasiado porque tenía partes del juego muy presentes en mi cabeza.

Tengo que admitir que se comenzó a sentir cansado a la mitad, los dialogos tan repetitivos me terminaron cansando y luego que es eso de repetir la misma parte del nivel tres veces con perspectivas diferentes jajaja, se nota que necesitaban alargar el juego de una u otra forma.

Cuando empecé a jugar pensé que no me iba a acostumbrar al salto con el click derecho pero resulto que le agarre la manía muy rápido, eso sí en ocasiones el salto doble era la verdadera pesadilla.

One of my first games ever, love coming back to it for a couple of hours every now and then just to chill and relax.

It's not good, but also it's so special to me.

I remember getting this as a new year's gift when I was young, and I enjoyed it a lot. Nostalgia aside, it's not bad but pretty average. The music is pretty good though.

Pretty fun game, but its 4 hours long. the cookie man mission scared me when I was young. I am retarded

When I played as a child, the game was too long and difficult for me. But now I finished it in 3 hours and while playing I asked myself "did I download the version for idiots or something?". :D

Absolute masterpiece just like the film. Loved it so much as I kid I played it countless of times. I wished they had some more epic moments from the film but still goated.

Não ironicamente muito bom, segue bem o enredo do filme e cria cenas extras que são bem-vindas
Quando criança eu ficava preso na fase do Gato na fábrica porque não sabia que era pra subir usando os canos, e depois no fim, NUNCA que eu ia saber que era pra jogar comida na fada madrinha kkkkkkk Nem lembro como me toquei que era isso

PC version offers a decent platformer/brawler hybrid. While the console versions offered a multiplayer experience this game is only single-player which could make or break. On the whole though I find this was at least interesting to play whereas the console version is just palatable.

Þessi og ps2 leikurinn eru með nákvæmlega sama nafn og cover og útgáfuár en þetta eru allt aðrir leikir!!
Við áttum báða?? Sem var mjög ruglandi, ég spilaði allaveganna þennan.