Reviews from

in the past

En un principio tenía este juego en alta estima, era parte de mi pre adolescencia y eso, y supongo que por el factor nostalgia recordaba este juego como un solido 4 estrellas pero rejugarlo de nuevo a casi 20 años de su lanzamiento, me ha hecho plantearme mi nota final de este juego.

No deja de ser un "party game" y de hecho es como mejor se disfrutaba, en compañía. Recuerdo las tardenoches que viciamos mi hermano pequeño y yo a esta mierda y nos lo gozabamos. De hecho nos lo llegamos a completar varias veces pero hoy día si lo mido con el contexto actual, es un tanto tosco.
Es divertido, pero se hace frustrante por momentos estar moviendote a una dirección y que los ataques te manden 180º por que patata.

Ha estado bien recordar viejos tiempos con el pero dudo que lo vuelva a tocar mas.

It's fun playing with a friend but the novelty isn't as strong as when I was younger.


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idk what kid is beating this game the last 2 stages were hard for NO reason

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Played about 3 levels of it. Super nostalgic and well thought out level design. Graphics aren’t very sharp as to be expected. Gets a bit repetitive so doesn’t hold up super well. But it is Shrek!!

A good video game for one of the goated movies.

What a hidden gem. Played this a lot with my brother growing up, makes it a lot better to play with someone else for sure.

The game itself is only a 2-2 1/2 star game, but my experiences of playing this game over and over with my brother are far beyond that.

this game made me cry in frustration over the fucking graveyard section but i would play it again given the chance

actually pretty decent 4 player game lmfao

First played this in college as a means of trying to gain someone's trust back... quite an interesting method of doing that and I don't think I'd do it again. Sorry, Tyler.

Not a meme review, one of the best 4-player co-op experiences I’ve ever had

Chaotic janky mess in the best possible way. I used to play it with my family all the time. I have such fond memories of my mom getting crushed by giant tomatoes as Gingy.

For some reason I thought this was an RPG, and I gaslit myself into thinking they made an awesome Shrek RPG

My wife's favorite. Pretty good in my eyes too

random Lord of the Rings level mixed in here

Best with 3-4 friends. Emphasis on teamwork while letting players have their moment of glory (or shame if they suck lol)

Surprisingly fun coop game, Im sure the game doesnt hold up as well singleplayer but get some friends and this is a fun time. I completed this in one day with 2 friends, good memories. :) boy the final boss was surprisingly difficult O.o

me and my toddler daughter love to play this on road trips