Reviews from

in the past

What a shame, this game could have been good. It looks and sounds great! That’s probably why I bought it in the first place: it looked interesting and was cheap. However, it plays inconsistently and there are some really bad design choices that amp up the frustration factor. Sometimes your abilities just don’t work like they should. Sometimes you die when you’re close to but not touching a hazard. Sometimes you get stuck on a platform for no good reason. Any vertical section during a pursuit scene is annoying and is more luck than skill-based. At least the game replenishes all five of your lives at each checkpoint, because you’ll die a lot. I started out enjoying this game and couldn’t believe that it has sat in my backlog for almost 6 years. However, my score for it was dropping the whole time I was playing. Again, it’s a shame because this game had potential, it just lacked polish. All the collectibles give it some replay but what good is that if I don’t want to go back and play it again?