Reviews from

in the past

Muito foda, mas que falha um pouco na curva progressiva

Joguei no notebook da minha vó na qualidade 800x600 e como uma criança foi incrível

Joguei com uns 15 anos no meu xbox umas 15 vezes, foi incrível

Mesmo lembrando de tudo re-visitei 2 anos depois no meu pc por quê precisava de algo mais simples pra jogar pro tempo passar, e segue sendo muito divertido.

O jogo te prende, o dinheiro não é nem muito fácil nem muito difícil de conseguir, não ficando redundante ou escasso, tu pode só desativar o cérebro e aproveitar, sempre tendo coisas novas pra explorar

One of my comfort games, I feel at peace with the game

It's an entertaining management game that allows players to explore the island's various habitats, encounter diverse creatures, and find different foodstuffs. It kept me thoroughly entertained throughout, although after reaching the end of the storyline without any significant additions, I found myself already content with the overall experience

Meu verão 2019 inteiro foi esse jogo e fortnite, ficar brincando com meus slimes decorar minha base e ficar zanzando pelo bioma de mosaico foram as coisas mais divertidas que eu já fiz nesse jogo

quem nao gosta de escraviza uns bixin fofin e pegar bosta pra vender

They're escaping!

I can see how this game can be fun but honestly this is not for me!! And that's totally okay. It was still pretty interesting.

Love this game! A super chill and fun comfort game. My only complaint is that it could use a few more quality of life changes (like more storage spaces for your vac) but otherwise I think it's great!

Joguei muitas e muitas horas de Slime rancher, jogo divertidissimo, você não fica parado em nenhum momento, esta sempre fazendo alguma coisa, a progressão do jogo é super legal, exploração excelente, as combinações de slime super legais, um bom jogo pra passar algumas horas, um jogo que não tenta ser muito mais que uma diversão pro jogador.

Muy bonito y eso pero luego se hace MUY repetitivo

esse jogo tem uma gameplay mt boa, e a história é emocionante, recomendo

they're just gooey lil guys

Playtime: 15 Hours
Score: 7/10

A fun little farming game! So recently me and my best friend did Steam Family share with our two accounts so we could bum off of each other's games. While he goes to my library to play Maneater and Cyberpunk 2077, I was like give me that Slime Rancher baby lol But I have been wanting to play this game for a while so it was a nice opportunity to play it.

I'm not a huge fan of farming games but this one caught my attention with its unique mechanics and first person view. It very much has that cozy, relaxing feel that farming games often have and aside from micromanaging your ranch, it's not a very challenging game. You collect slimes and bring them back to your ranch to gather materials from them. You have to put them into corrals, feed them specific types of food and make sure they don't escape. At first it can be a little overwhelming since the game doesn't have a main story to guide you through really and you're kind of just left to figure things out on your own, though the game does have an encyclopedia that gives you information about the different slimes as well the structures and gadgets you can build.

Exploration is another cool aspect as you get a jetpack that lets you get to higher places and you need to find keys in order to access other regions of the planet you're on. It's fun and I liked the artstyle. There is combat but it's very basic and enemies do very little damage to you so it's easy to defeat them or just outright avoid them.

Only thing that disappointed me was the story or lack thereof. There is a story that you learn through reading emails from other characters in the game or finding old messages left to you by the previous ranch owner. It's fine for what it is, but I kind of got bored at the 15 hour mark as farming and building games aren't really my thing like I said and without a structured story campaign to get me through it, it got tedious towards the end. But it's still a unique and fun game to play for a few hours.

All Games I have Played and Reviewed Ranked -

Eu tenho um carinho especial por esse game, conheci ele pelos vídeos do Felps e me apaixonei a primeira vista, essa ideia de criar ranchos, alimentar slimes, vender as fezes deles e ganhar dinheiro é bem inusitada eu diria, e bem viciante. A história é boa e te acompanha conforme você evolui no game (novos slimes, lugares, etc) nada forçado que te faça parar o que está fazendo pra focar na história, você vai no seu tempo. Se prepare para uma aventura em um planeta a mil anos luz da Terra, muuuito longe daqui. Maldito sejam os slimes quânticos, aqueles porrinhas são muito chatos!!

Super cute and relaxing game. It's nice to boot up and just chill on. This game could really use a co-op mode, though.

Jogo fofo, e colorido

Meu primeiro jogo a fazer speedrun, tem um lugar no meu coração.

Very cute, very chill, and fun to wander around. Been a minute since I've played but just revisiting it slightly made me redownload it to give it another dive in.

i mean, how can u look at the slimes and not give this 5 stars

this game have a wonderful history and is very cute

Somete a una especie animal desconocida a la esclavitud eterna capturándolos con aspiradoras mecánicas gigantes y oblígalos a procrear con sus vecinos a cambio de satisfacción personal

Had a lot of fun for a few hours but after I turned it off I really have no incentive to come back. Reminds me of the grindy nature of those mobile idle games which have a similar effect on me; they sound cool and I get invested for a day or two but then I just don’t gaf anymore and delete it. Even looking for a cozy game, there are other types that I prefer.