Reviews from

in the past

A genuinely great base for a unique Sonic fighter, with a diverse cast, beautiful art styles both in-game and within key art, and a soundtrack with a surprising amount of hits. Unfortunately, it's ultimately let down by some of the worst pacing a campaign in this series has ever seen, combined with the absolute slog of a game-long quest that is getting Emerl up to resembling anything close to playable.

You're a real one if you remember the sprites from this game being used in every Sonic VS battle animation in the mid-2000s to early 2010s.

I have nostalgia bias for this high of a rating. Playing in Knuckles' story and the Knuckles part in Sonic's story sucks.

emerl is a cool robot even if he is named after an italian

Emerl deserves being in a better game

Lo perdí y a dia de hoy no sé donde coño está pero vaya vicio socio.

A little beat em up that's good dumb fun. Gameplaywise it works well enough, it's easy to play and have a fun enough time going through the campaign, fighting various characters from the franchise, and learning their moves. I especially liked how the main character, Emerl, had a customizable moveset and appearance and that he ended up as a fun sort of mix and matched OC. It's a good game to turn your brain off for.

A pretty fun take on the Sonic series with an enjoyable story.

I liked seeing E-102 Gamma and Chaos back in something, and collecting the different moves to customize Emerl is a pretty fun mechanic.

A really weird Sonic game but I had a lot of fun with it and customizing the robot character. It was basically a Dragon Ball arena fighter but skinned as a Sonic game.

A surprisingly enjoyable brawler with a better-than-average story/campaign, at least compared to your typical Sonic game.

El core gameplay como tal no es malo y pienso que el juego vale mucho la pena porque este es el que yo considero como el Sonic con la mejor historia de todos, incluso más buena que la de adventure 2
Quizá muy dramática para algunos pero mentiría si digo que el final y los personajes me llegaron bastante
El mayor pecado que le veo es tremendo grindeo que tienes que hacer con emerl en el modo historia, ese método de ir ganando de puntos en puntos para ponerle habilidades está muy mal hecho, sobretodo porque el juego rápido te pone con enemigos cabrones y tú emerl con un moveset bien madreado
Pero si sabes tolerarlo, créeme que vas a disfrutar la historia
Igual si bien el combate es muy simple es bastante entretenido y sobretodo el poder personalizar a emerl (mejor personalización que forces ekisde) sin embargo está bastante desbalanceado por parte de personajes como shadow y si no lo juegas con amigos se puede tornar repetitivo, sobretodo porque la IA es muy explotable
Con todo y todo creo es que es algo decente, aunque si te parece peor podría comprenderlo, pero es de esos juegos en los que el cariño que le tengo influye bastante en mi percepción

A surprisingly decent story with a lot of heart, made all the more surprising that it's a Sonic game on the Gameboy Advance. Battles are fast and fun, sprites look great, and customizing Emerl is a slow but rewarding experience.

This is like one of those YouTube epic fight animations made in flash but as an actual game and it's so good too

Had no business being as good as it was.

The game actually starts out rather decently, until you reach your first block in the road known as Knuckles in Sonic’s story, who will beat your ass red and completely blindside you with how surprisingly difficult he is to beat. And that’s the first real “boss”. It only gets worse and worse and worse and worse from then on, having one of the worst final bosses I’ve ever seen in a video game, so much so that I had a nervous breakdown over how bad it was and how much I hated it in a Discord server once. It’s that bad. Did I also mention that you have to grind to get moves for Emerl? In a fighting game? Based around Sonic? Music is pretty solid, as to be expected from the GBA Sonic games, though.

A surprisingly decent, yet simple, Gameboy Advanced fighting game. Nothing incredible but I managed to have fun replaying this game multiple times from scratch so I think that says something.

This is a weird game, sheesh. But customizing Emerls move set was fun. Had some good memories with this one

the second sonic fighting game where the art is so good but has bad singleplayer content

I put a concerning amount of time into this

I was always told that Sonic Battle was just kinda whatever, but idk I had a pretty fun time with it. I really liked the artstyle and for GBA it sounds pretty alright. The story was meh but this is a fighting game so it's not like I was expecting anything good out of it anyways.

Nah this game sucks funk is wrong (what else is new heh)

Sonic Battle? More like Sonic Never Gets To The Point.

Acho que ele foi meu primeiro jogo de gba, ele é bom mas não é perfeito

Love the art, the glimpse into the life of the Sonic cast, Emerl and his learning and above all the art style. The goods end there though. Story is a grind, upgrading Emerl is a grind, it's all a grind from there.

Were a Sonic fighting game revisited it'd be great.

Jogo bastente único e divertido. O gameplay é extremamente simplório, mas funciona e é bem bacana, principalmente considerando que é um jogo de GBA.

Surpeendemente, a narrativa desse game é uma das melhores da franquia. Os diálogos são divertidos, bem escritos e a interação entre os personagens é ótima, só não gosto muito das caracterizações do Shadow e da Amy.

O problema desse jogo é o QUÃO repetitivo é o modo história. Sério, beira o surreal de tão repetitivo e de quão artifical são as maneiras que o jogo se utiliza para prolongar sua duração. O modo história desse game é pra jogar um vez só e nunca mais.

Por outro lado, a customização do Emerl é bastante intuitiva, o jogador se apega ao robô ao treiná-lo durante toda a narrativa. Montar o fighter perfeito e usá-lo é mais divertido do que aparenta.

Se não fosse pela tediosa repetição, Sonic Battle seria um jogo nota 8 facilmente.

An Smash game with no ítems, Final Eggstination with a playable fox, an epic story with a surprise character in the last level. Even includes a fully customizable fighter and collectible cards.... But with 3D movement so it can be that good but at least the animations of the sprites and the sound design are AWESOME