Reviews from

in the past

it's cool i might play it again but it's hard

The core gameplay is a bit too simple and character balance isn't great but that story mode is fantastic and I wish sonic games had a story like this.

Also Emerl is a sweetheart

Decent game but a modern sequel has a ton of potential. Get on it Sega

awesome game for the gba, which is a lot considering that handheld is definitely not my fave when it comes to its game library...anyway, the story mode is pretty good, you get to play as a ton of characters with their own episode as the story progresses. this game can get pretty hard/challenging at times, although you can sort of customize the difficulty when fighting against emerl as whatever skills you have loaded for him is what you will fight against when a battle against emerl comes up in the story. i noticed the dialogue in this game is a bit different than in other sonic games, its a lot more lax and natural, which give these characters and story a bit more life. if you're not too good at fighting games like me its best to grind in sonic's story since the battles are the easiest there.

Cool ideas but too bad it's the most repetitive thing in the world.

Almost decent fighting game here thanks to a series of interesting move set and a surprisingly deep story but its all hampered by some severe balancing issues and while the idea of having Emerl as a custom fighter where you can mix and match moves is a nice one, it boils down to a lot of grinding for exp and luck based move drops and thats never fun when all you want to do is move on with the plot.

Very cool concept and story but not executed well enough. If this got a 3D remake of some sorts it would be an excellent game

Really fun game that is clearly not balanced. Sadly never got to play multiplayer, this woulda been good on console. Story was amusing.

Great story, unique design with beautiful presentation and fun gameplay make Sonic Battle one of my favorite modern handheld Sonic games, its only real flaws being balancing issues and a lack of variety in the structure of combat sequences throughout the story mode. For those who wouldn't consider these flaws a dealbreaker though and are fine with the game feeling somewhat repetitive, what you have is what I'd consider a more than worthwhile Sonic game, especially when played after SA2 and/or before Advance 3 so it feels even more impactful. I cannot recommend it enough, it's worth it for the story and character interactions alone because it provides such a great balance of fun and heartfelt moments that any Sonic fan would appreciate.

An Smash game with no ítems, Final Eggstination with a playable fox, an epic story with a surprise character in the last level. Even includes a fully customizable fighter and collectible cards.... But with 3D movement so it can be that good but at least the animations of the sprites and the sound design are AWESOME

pretty good game for a gba title

Kojima wishes he wrote something this good

Its a real shame they never revisited this design because this game can be extremely fun, especially for a handheld game. Customizing your robot fighter with the skills of all the other cast members was a blast too, it even had a multiplayer feature, really fun stuff if you enjoy making your own fighter (ofc it was not balanced but still). Its like a fighter/rpg game, not bad at all and i actually enjoyed the story.

Like with so many Sonic games, I can't say Sonic Battle is legitimately GOOD. But Sonic Battle is FUN and I played a lot of it with my sisters. Yes, we owned three copies of Sonic Battle. No, I do not regret buying this game three times.

admittedly not that good as a fighter but the story goes so hard and the character customization is so fun that it's worth playing just for that

I want to like this game, but I just can't, I think it's really stylish, however.

Interesting idea and mechanics absolutely marred by execution. The fighting mechanics themselves are fine I guess, probably more so with friends but the single player campaign is a massive slog. It's the same type of fights over and over and over again and there's no variation anywhere to be seen. No interesting challenges with different stipulations, no boss fights except for one, just the same 3 round fights on loop. What's worse is that the AI is so immensely frustrating that you basically have to cheese them by using a special move they're unable to block over and over again and then switching to another that they cannot block, because otherwise fighting them normally reveals they just block everything thrown your way. This was practically the only way to kill anything in the campaign mode, and the Emerl customization is kinda cool but could've been fleshed out way more.

Can't believe a spin-off game had more emotion rolled up into it than most of the mainline games could ever dream of. Gameplay's kind of wonky, but the story is worth it imo

The first part of the gizoid saga is a bit of a bumpy one. 100% this game is a nightmare I won't even dare to attempt to due the amount of repetition in the story mode. Its bad enough one story is already repetitive with having to do the same fight twice often, but you have to do that not just for Sonic but for Tails, Amy, Shadow, etc. No thanks.

I loved this game when I was younger and the concept is great but good lord replaying the story was so painful in so many different places.

This game is kind of a total blast. The single-player campaign begins to become tedious, but the sheer creativity you can do with Emerl and the unique battle system is awesome anyway.