Reviews from

in the past

How the fuck does your game run better with the volume off?

collect one THOUSAND rings from the special stages

So legendarily shitty im giving it a 5 because its so bad its basically art

Este pedazo de vómito no solo manchó el aniversario de nuestro erizo favorito.

Es uno de los peores, o quizás, el peor port de la historia.
Todo está mal: rendimiento pésimo, una cámara recortada que te hace chocarte a cada rato contra los enemigos, el lag excesivo te impide controlar debidamente al personaje, la detección de colisión es asquerosa, los gráficos fueron maltratados, la música apesta, la jugabilidad apesta, y los pequeños añadidos como el spindash no son suficientes para salvar la experiencia jugable.

Literalmente es mejor jugarse relanzamientos viejos del Sonic 1 como Sonic Jam.

Solamente el Sonic para lo supera en nivel de patetismo.

I remember playing this on my friend's shitty samsung galaxy mini and not noticing anything wrong because I quite the stupid kid

How do you fuck up Sonic 1 on Genesis so badly? Why even release this in 2006 when Rush came out for the DS a year earlier?

As part of this collection, I’m playing a bunch of ports of Sonic the Hedgehog. I’m focusing on just the first game, and more significant ports and not emulation (as found in lots of collections, the Steam version, Xbox, PlayStation, Wii, etc). First up on my random ordered list is the Game Boy Advance version. As this was made after three Sonic Advance games, and was sold for £20 for just the one game, you would think it’s something special.

And in a way, it is. It’s a spectacular failure filled with many issues. Frankly, this port was not sold in a playable state, just thrown out to cash in on an anniversary. The first issue you’ll find is the music. The GBA doesn’t quite have the same sound chip as the Mega Drive and it seems that instead of modifying the music to fit what the GBA can do, they instead just had it attempt to play what it could from the Mega Drive. What you have are very tinny version with zero bass. I had to put the game down in Spring Yard Zone because I just couldn’t stop laughing at the music. It starts off not too terrible, but after around 20 seconds it attempts to keep up with the original and just spits out an incoherent mess.

those wonky physics and screen crunch go CRAZY


One of the worst games ever simply because it took what is widely considered to be a masterpiece landmark in gaming and turned it into unplayable dogshit. The beautiful melodies & gorgeous sprites are bit-crunched (BUTCHERED) to hell and back to the point where this seems like a fan made paradoy, but no this is an officially licesned released. Physics are fucked and not at all accurate to the Genesis/MegaDrive original and slow down is as unpleasant as it is infuriating.

Absolutely ZERO excuse for this game to run worse on GBA than it did on a console 3 times less powerful.

The 15th anniversary of Sonic is one to be forgotten.

The only credit I can give this version is the Spindash, which doesn't save the port at all and has been done better in the mobile remake. Everyone knows about the screen crunch and the poor slowdown, so I won't dwell on that much.

If you want a solid GBA 2D Sonic experience, then you should play the Advance games. Alternatively, open up an emulator and play the remake by Stealth.

Once, and never again.
The screen size simply doesn't work for this game first and foremost, and that's before getting into the huge slowdowns, lack of content besides the main game's two modes and the disappointing renditions of the classic music tracks on the GBA soundchip. Not a nice version of this game at all.

If you ever thought Sonic 1 was an okay game but needed to have dozens of new bugs, loading times, awful control and physics, run at 10 frames per second, and one of the worst musicalizations ever created by humankind, then this is the version for you!

The people in charge of this port should be grateful that by that time, seppuku was not a thing in Japan anymore, because that's the only way that they could have redeemed themselves.

vai se fudeeeeee vai toma no cuuuuu vai se fudeeeeee vai se fudeeeeeeee vai se fudeeeeee

Sonic is 100% of the screen real estate here :(

sega has fucked up a lot but this is unreal

I have two regrets in life: downloading this game and playing this game.

Credit where credit is due... It will make the original Sonic 1 seem even better on replay... that's something... I seriously have no idea why I beat this but I did... I know every system has awful shovelware but my brain keeps going to the fact that games like metroid fusion, golden sun and other better Sonic games exist on the GBA and yet Sega put this crap on it... Imagine a kid picking this over Sonic Advance 2... Scary thought. Might actually be the worst Sonic game which is a hell of an accomplishment.

pior porte de sonic ever, achava q era meu emuladorsinho no meu celular velho mais o jogo é trvado assim mesmo

Yknow, I never thought it was possible to make Labyrinth Zone even more of a slog than it was, like w o w.
Anyways, this game sucks.

it's a genesis game from 1991 how the fuck did they make it run this bad

(Got all emeralds)
This recreation of sonic 1 from scratch is so fucking awful
Screen Crunch in later levels sucks
The crush deaths in this game are broken
The slowdown is literally present throughout the whole damn game
and worst of all is the physics, you get hit and you go fucking flying and for some reason you keep momentum after hitting a wall.

What the fuck were they thinking?
(oh and special stages suck too who would've thought)


Until further notice this game takes the dishonor of being the worst game I've ever bothered to finish.

Se isso aqui não te ofende minimamente você é hater de sonic.

Por que isso existe?
Desde Green Hill até o boss final eu me perguntei "COMO DEIXARAM ISSO LANÇAR DESSE JEITO?"
A tela é de um GBA então o jogo inteiro ta numa telinha minuscula que te faz nao ver porra nenhuma que ta acontecendo em cima ou embaixo de você, músicas simplesmente HORRÍVEIS que eu tenho certeza que tiraram da última camada do inferno, framedrops que duram o jogo INTEIRO e eu não tô zoando ou exagerando, basicamente o jogo INTEIRO tá a tipo 10fps com só 1 milésimo que roda normalmente, físicas e bugs HORROROSOS E SEM SENTIDO que tornam esse jogo que já era ruim em uma das piores coisas pra se jogar no GBA, o sonic as vezes pula 10 metros as vezes 1cm, ou ele tá MUITO rápido ou MUITO lento, e os bugs são tão ruins quanto, ou você atravessa o chão ou obstáculos, ou você morre POR NADA PORQUE OS DEV FIZERAM ESSE JOGO COM A BUNDA E VOCÊ MORRE PRO AR.
Por favor, não joguem essa MERDA, você começa pensando "hahahaha o quão ruim esse jogo pode ser????" E termina refletindo nas suas ações por ter zerado fudendo sonic 1 no GBA
Só joguem algo melhor, por favor

This was a mistake to finish, but It was like the goblin mask calling out to me to finish. This game is a hot mess of garbage

Take sonic 1, an already mediocre game, and ruin everything about it. Everything feels wrong.

If sulfuric acid was a video game