Reviews from

in the past


such a good blend of party game simplicity and skill based platforming

I kinda scream when the screen gets smaller

A great idea for a game, but there just needs to be more.

Jogo muito divertido e muito daora para se jogar com os amigos, o problema é que é caro, então fica meio dispensavel para alguns, sua jogabilidade é muito legal e interressante acho que tambem da para se divertir sozinho, mas com amigos fica melhor

such a fun party game if only we ever got a fourth

This is one of my top 5 party games

It's sad that nowadays there aren't many people playing the online mode

One of the best game to play with friends especially late at night

As a platformer nerd this shit is so fun.

such a great multiplayer title, very much chaotic and fun but also satisfying to master, the movement also has some depth to it if you wanna look for it. I think we need more 2D racing games, also having workshop works wonders if you wanna just continue having fun with your pals.

Parei de jogar por medo de viciar demais

A fun party game that is held back by people taking it too seriously, the campaign and solo is fun but once you go online or play with a friend who has played the game a lot it gets bad fast. I would recommend it as it can be fun but with a huge caveat.

Banger party competitive game. Some of the funniest, most fast-paced action you can drop into with friends anytime with a unique style of gameplay focused on momentum and racing through levels against your friends.

The core gameplay loop is so much fun that I think it's lack of content honestly doesn't matter that much. You can play as Markiplier.

i freak tf out playin this! too fun

It's like Mario Kart but a platformer and more rapid fire. Hell yeah

This game is simple but so fun. The characters are hilarious and the game is fast and tense. Great party game for you and some friends.

The late nights spent with friends on this game will live with me forever.

Great concept but lacks diversity in my opinion, overall the game's fun but after a few hours it becomes a bit boring, i guess it's great considering the price, if you have some friends and search a cool cheap game with a bit of competition, that might be it

All I have to say is, I have lots of fun when I play this game with friends. It also has community maps with fun game modes!

"A música de fundo parece daquelas músicas dos programas do Herman José"

My crush stopped talking to me after we played this game.

Nas poucas experiências que tive jogando online com amigos, talvez (junto com minecraft) a mais divertida delas foi SpeedRunners.
Ação frenética e desenfreada, junto com a mecânica do gancho que é bem legal. Jogo que te instiga muito competitivamente e faz você xingar muito os seus colegas. Vale a pena.

Parties don't get much funner when Speedrunners is on.