Reviews from

in the past

It's like I'm really Spider Gwen with the... uh... web shoobers?

it- it reall- it really m- it really makes you FEEL like spide-

Ah, that’s what I got cheated out of

The swinging in this game is REALLY fun to do and sitting on top of buildings while listening to music is really relaxing, not much to this game but it's a nice little distraction

I danced in the game and Spider-Man danced on screen. VR technology is the future.

It fun just to swing around and honestly hope Sony makes a full game out of this

(Played on PSVR) An okay VR experience, there's so much to do with Spider-Man as a character, but the fact that this is free, makes it more bearable. Still something everyone should try at least once, even if the game is very (very!) basic and barebones. Can't wait for one day when they make Spidey justice.

Serves its purpose as a free vr experience but just play Ultimate Spider-Lair instead


Has potential as a full game, but otherwise is lacking in content with a story mode that lasts only minutes. Freeplay has a few time trials and combat trials with a few collectibles scattered around, but other than that, not much going on. At least it's free and it has the actual voices of Ned and Peter from the movie.

Its really fun and free but obviously looks bad and has barely any content

I mean its fun but this is barely a game

Ehh, maybe not quite as cool as I was picturing a Spider-Man VR experience to be in my head, but it was decent for the little time that I played it.

boneworks was also released this year

I fucking hate the movie Far From Home, but this was fine I guess. It's super barebones but it was free so it's like I'm gonna complain too much.

Good VR experience to try but quickly boring