Reviews from

in the past

i appreciate the intent but for R$ 29,99 you can get more competent games such as corn kids 64 for cheaper.

at first it starts nicely, you slowly get used to the mechanics but once you play the first 1 hour you'll see every asset the game has to offer (they get recolored later on) but the end gets really stingy with checkpoints while making you rely on glitchy gimmicks to progress, such as spinning chained rocks that don't quite follow your character allignment right, and rail segments where you can visibly see your character lose momentum and stutter in the air, i understand this is a budget title but for this price, i can get more balanced and working stuff

Spoiler alert :
the ending is also just a title drop... nothing else, 30 bucks for this

get yourself orbo's odissey, lunistice, super sami roll, pseudoregalia, spark the electric jester 3 for half the price of this game or less !

It's spiderman web swinging + only up. Decent 3D platformer with some janky camera issues but it's fun.