Reviews from

in the past

1.5☆ - If I'm honest the game is a drag without paying. There is 0 action, 0 anything. It's all story. And when your story is all in text dialogue without voice acting, I ain't here to read a book I'm here to play a game.

been playing this stupid ass horse game for like 10 years now save me

i have 80+ horses and over $300 on this game ^_^

Good game, will continue playing for long periods of time.

It’s been 10 years someone save me

it's a buggy, overpriced mess and yet i'm addicted to it. each update brings a new severe game-breaking bug and it's fun to see which feature will break next! i also am addicted to buying horses. it's fun. i can't help it and i need to stop.

You know how you just pick a game in your formative years that's gonna become your "main" game for the next decade and onwards. This is that game for me

why has this game been in my life since 2015 (id give it 5 stars for nostalgia but thats embarrassing)

not a horse girl, i just like the games concept. in fact i enjoy playing it but the horses are pretty apathetic to me, i just like following the mainquest and doing the races.
- sort of pay to win (expensive)

I started playing Star Stable Online at the end of the 'golden years' in 2017, before the massive graphics and story overhaul. With the current state of the game, I can not in good faith recommend anyone sign up to the game or play into the predatory marketing practices established by the company.

The entire gameplay loop is very shallow and numbingly boring. When you create an account, you have about 50 hours worth of questing (which is, for the most part, running to another area of the map and running back to complete the quest - it's extremely difficult to stay engaged and focused while completing them). As an end game player that's finished all the quests, your only option in terms of gameplay is to shell out more money into the game so you can buy new horses to grind to max level for ~8 hours each. It's important to mention the price of every new horse is equivalent to $20 if you purchase the premium currency at full price.

Why would someone pay money to do more grinding? Status. In the Star Stable community, teenagers are ruthless on judging other players based on their presumed wealth or style in the game. Low spenders or free players will be ridiculed by players who have dumped thousands of dollars into acquiring a large number of horses.

The only reason I haven't completely quit the game is the fear of losing all my money and effort, as well as the nostalgia of the world and friends I made through it. As someone who paid for the Lifetime membership ($70 I will never get back), all my 'gameplay' is logging in every 6 months to purchase a new horse with accumulated currency before logging off. While the characters and worldbuilding mean a lot to me, the current state of the company and its money-hungry priorities have ruined the franchise.

this game isn’t exactly “good” but it’s a staple (stable?) of my childhood :)