Reviews from

in the past

All the new things and changes to this game, in comparison to the first one, it was very well implemented!! And the story in it self it's really good, i had a lot of fun playing this, but i still sad for not getting an ACTUAL fr fr COLOSSAL scary monster for these games...

Sadly, not as good as the first game. Very dissapointing. Less vehicles,Very annoying story quests and tight caves to crash your fatso seatruck to. But it doesnt change the fact that this is still Subnautica and Subnautica is awesome. The graphics are stunning, farming is easier, And gameplay is more fun with lots of new great places to build a base!

Llega el momento me piro, al filo de la mañana que frío...

Weird sequel to one of my favorite games of all time.

With a pretty troubled development, I'm happy to at least have a final product. I still greatly enjoy Below Zero, it still has the same spirit of resource collection and survival but it's definitely in a different category than it's predecessor.

its a fine game. in todays times its not worth the hate it gets its definitely solid

Remember when everyone wanted less water in Subnautica? Yeah me neither but here it is now.

Much shorter and less interesting to explore. The flora and the fauna are recycled and reskinned so that is a bit disappointing. Besides that, the formula is there and super fun

Not quite as good as the first one in most aspects, not terrible though. Exploration is still really fun and the biomes are just as creative and cool as the first game. In a kind of bizarre move, Below Zero focuses on story a lot more than the first game and also changes the method of storytelling drastically. Subnautica told its story through audio logs, database entries, and the environment. It's not a particularly amazing story, but it leaves a lot to the imagination, and it bolsters the themes of loneliness. You also don't really need to engage with it if you aren't interested due to the unobtrusive nature of the storytelling. This game tells it's story through mostly dialogue and the inner thoughts of the player character, which isn't inherently bad or anything, but not that fitting for a Subnautica game, especially because the story just isn't that interesting. I do still love a lot of the new creatures in this one, but I will never forgive them for replacing the reaper leviathan with what is essentially a giant shrimp.

Improved on the original game by just about every metric other than the writing. Story isn't super impactful, but it's more involved than in the first game, whether you think that's good or bad.

I think a lot of people's judgment on this one is clouded by a lack of novelty due to it being a sequel -- of course the leviathans aren't as scary when you already played a whole game learning how to not be afraid of them. The only reason the world doesn't have the same sense of awe and discovery is because you already spent so much time in it.

Definitely worthwhile playing, maybe even prior to the original, but also if you just want more Subnautica.

dialogues felt like they were written by a millennial
same with VA

Far more polished continuation of the Subnautica universe, with a more intriguing storyline, more immersive open world, and more quality of life changes that make the game overall more enjoyable

Perfectly adequate sequel.😤

A huge downgrade from the original. Any good storytelling is replaced by exposition being boringly shoved down your throat. The only saving grace is the creature designs.

Great game but cant compete with the first Subnautica

El primero era bastante mejor pero al menos es un dlc tragable

Ok nevermind maybe I don't want more, once you overcome your fears from the first game going through the same progression isn't as interesting, especially when the game breaks that 3/4 of the way through to get you to explore more ruins and less dens of giant aquatic beasts. Plus they give you more tools to survive in this game, and thus you feels less exposed during your explorations. Also the above ground sections suck, the giant worm on the cover is the least scary thing in the game

Jag kom legit ingenstans... Antingen så var jag för trash eller så hade de ingen tydlig väg framåt (eller både och) ps. jag kommer ihåg att jag körde det när det kom ut i early access så det kanske var en del i det.

Not the same feeling as the first one but still good

doesnt hit like the first one for some reason, maybe will finish one day

Worse than the original in almost every way. The story sucks

Like subnautica but not as good

Gostei mais do primeiro jogo. Subnautica: Below Zero tem algumas melhorias de gamplay e complementa a história do primeiro, mas não superou o carisma de seu antecessor.

An alright sequel to the original, but lacking what made it super special

Its the second game in the series, to some degree it gave me that first time feeling, but i think it fell a bit further for me. I really didn't enjoy the land based stuff.