Reviews from

in the past

Art is really decent and I'd actually say it's better than Summer Memories' (although not better than Winter Memories') but everything else is... boring. It's just doing the same thing every single time, while earning money and giving the same gift over and over. At least it has a... decent story, I guess.

meh I mean it's fine the art is okay but there's just not a lot going on you can finish the main objective of each chapter in a couple of days and the game gives you like a week and the side content is just not that interesting. at least you can skip to the events and not deal with the survival aspect of the game as much lol

Não recomendado pra quem tem ADHD.

Mhe, the art is nice in terms of design, animation and variety (regarding the h-scenes) but it's very simple. You will be forced to wait around without doing anything other than losing resources.