Reviews from

in the past

not great but it had to start somewhere

Igual soy demasiado joven, pero esto me marea demasiado.

Bastante decente para ser el primero, y ese modo 8 va de locos.

Um bom começo pra uma sub franquia, mesmo com suas limitações

Unless you're an aliasing fetishist or enjoy being humiliated by a blatantly unfair AI, there's no point in revisiting this first Mario Kart. Even though I have fond memories of it from my childhood, I must admit it hasn't aged well.

The game's difficulty is incredibly poorly balanced. The 50 and 100cc races are nearly impossible to lose because they're so simple. However, once you reach the special cup and the 150cc category, the game turns into SM domination and promptly punishes you for even the slightest micro-error. Honestly, 100% this game is truly one of the most punishing challenges I've ever subjected myself to :(

Played via the Wii Virtual Console, Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online, and eventually, a real SNES. Super Mario Kart was a solid first entry for the series, but compared to later entries, it's not as fun for me, so I will not be returning to this game.

its good fun with friends, better than MK DS which is definitley a controversial opinion

Better than the new mario kart slopproducer
Cons: Mario Kart
Pros: Scott Wozniak video

Not feeling like my quest to engage with earlier Mario Kart games was done, I decided to fire up my Super Famicom Mini and give a go at trying to complete the original game in the series as well. Where Mario Kart 64 was a game I owned for many years as a kid and played on and off many times, Super Mario Kart was never a game I played all that much. I picked it up when I was much older, and never really put much time into it beyond just seeing how it played (and bouncing off of it very quickly). I don't really know what I was expecting this game to be, given how much I didn't really care for its sequel, but I still blown away at just how rough a first entry this was. I only used rewinds on the final track (to finally free myself of the torment XP), and it took me a little under 2 hours to get gold on all the cups in 50cc and 100cc.

Boasting a mighty 20 tracks (5 in each cup) as well as a battle mode, there's quite a hefty amount of content in this game compared to its sequel (at least on paper). Just like 64, Super Mario Kart has a co-op two-player mode as well as Vs. features, the basic mechanics of racing work quite well, and it has a very cool split-screen design for its races. If you're doing 2-players, you each get a portion of the screen, but if you're playing by yourself, that bottom screen becomes your mini-map of how the other racers are doing (although you sadly get no mini-map if you're playing with a friend). However, outside of these clever touches, there is no small amount of glaring issues that would've frustrated players even at the time.

First off there are small things that make playing the game a little more frustrating than it feels like it needs to be. First of all are small touches that its sequels would also struggle with in how it's often hard to distinguish between holes in the track and the actual track because of how the Mode 7 tracks are displayed. Then you have issues like how this has a life system, and you get only so many lives in a cup before you just get a game over. This isn't like F-Zero, where you can fall off and outright die, but you actually NEED to get 4th place or higher (out of 8 racers) or else you just need to redo the track. This can be a nice redo feature if you're in a situation where you need to beat a certain opponent to win, but it more often comes off as a needless frustration, especially with a scoring system that often calculates to you "winning" the cup via points even if you would get 0 points on the current track.

Then there are much deeper seeded problems in how the AI works aside from just how brutal their rubberbanding is (and let me tell you, it's extreme). In Mario Kart 64, it often feels like the AI are playing a different game to you, but in Super Mario Kart, they very observably are playing a different game to you, and them appearing on your track to interact with is often more of a formality. The same CPUs will often win tracks because items don't work for them as they work for you. While you are limited to a single item per lap (of which there are five per track), they all get items for free after a certain amount of time depending on characters. DK. Jr. gets free bananas, Toad and Peach get mushrooms that make you small until you get run over (meaning you've basically lost if you hit one on 100cc), Mario & Luigi get invincibility stars, and Koopa amazingly enough gets shells both red and green (meaning you really need to play him if you want a chance at winning single player races at all).

AI don't even get boosts in tracks (they'll drive over them but get no effect) and drive right through thwomps as well. The only thing they do interact with is the edges of the stage, and I only won a couple tracks because I was lucky enough to have Luigi (the eternal AI 1st place favorite) get stuck against a wall for most of the race. Your items on the other hand are, as mentioned, very few and often quite weak, as lighting bolts still only temporarily slow instead of stop your opponents, and red shells still go as the crow flies (making them useless unless you have line of sight, and this is another Mario Kart where the AI will start cheating their butts off as soon as they escape your line of sight). This is another case where if you start losing, it's nearly impossible to catch up because they get so many automatic advantages, and it makes the single player content very often miserable to try and engage with.

The presentation is quite good, at the very least. The graphics are bright and colorful (especially the racers), and the Mode 7 effects on the tracks looks nice when it isn't confusing you on where the floor is actually solid. The music is also very good, although there aren't a ton of musical tracks in the game in the first place.

Verdict: Not Recommended. Where there is some enjoyment to be gotten out of a game like Mario Kart 64, Super Mario Kart is a game I'd argue wasn't even good when it came out. It is an easily inferior game to F-Zero (which is older than it by about two years), and looking back it is amazing which series ended up continuing so far given the quality of their first entries (discounting things like the unstoppable popularity of Super Mario himself, of course ;b). This is a game that does not warrant returning to unless you simply have to experience where the series came from, as there is very little fun to be found here outside of conquering all of the crap the game puts in front of you.

Mario Kart 64 was a big upgrade after this one. It's hard to control the cart.

Regardless, it was a good game for its time!

The game that started the Mario Kart series. For its time, this is a great game. But nowadays, it's awful to play and compared to the rest of the series it's easily the worst one. But hey, at least the game looks nice visually.

This is a surprisingly playable game even though it's too ahead of its time to be great. The lack of granularity with the turning input hurts it but for what it's worth, the game has responsive controls even if the slip mechanics are wonky.

Everything here would be improved in Mario Kart 64 so this game serves more as a historical curiosity than something worth playing.

Meio datado hoje em dia, mas ainda bem divertido

powered entirely by nostalgia and cheating AI

facil o melhor mario kart

While it was neat to visit the first Mario Kart it really hasn’t aged the best and unfortunately isn’t all that fun to play by yourself.

I’m sure with a friend there’s more fun to be had but honestly you’re better off playing a different Mario Kart.

Definitely shows its age, but we also have it to thank for such a delightful series. Love the look of all the characters in their tiny go-karts, and I always appreciate when the more recent games recreate one of these classic courses. I played Wacky Wheels more as a kid due to not owning a SNES, but this one obviously stuck around better

Super Mario Kart was good all the way up until Mario Kart 64 came out.

There's 2 things that MAJORLY drag SMK down for me. It easily has some of the worst feeling controls ever in a Kart game, and the Tracks are incredibly barebones and simple. Both of these issues are products of this being the first attempt, but it doesn't really excuse how bad the controls really felt to me.

I love Mario Kart, I wanted to 100% every title in the series, and while that isn't very time consuming with SMK, its also the last one I will touch for sure. Lots of older folks who grew up with SMK will tell you how much better it was then future titles, or how the D-PAD controls are the only thing dragging it down, but in my opinion MKDS controls 10X better with D-Pad controls.

The controls feel overly sensitive to each small adjustment you need to make. The off-road parts of the track are so punishing sometimes you can drop 5-6 placements in 2 seconds being off-road

this is definitely the first mario kart, though it's still pretty fun. check it out when you don't have much else

While it's the first game in the series, this game hasn't aged well.

Slippery controls, boring track layout and BS Ai makes this game not fun.

maybe if i was born when this was the only mario kart i would've enjoyed it

I would've given this a 5/10, since even though the control is slippery, the courses are uninspired and generally very little happens in the races, I can accept that for the time this was released. It was impressive for the time. Plus, this one has Donkey Kong Jr.

But... MY EYES!!!

unplayable but was impressive for its time

Humble beginnings for sure. I definitely respect this game much more than I enjoyed it. Have to give it props for starting probably the most popular kart racer series in gaming, but this ain't it! It may just be my own skill level to a degree, but this game controls like absolute shit. I think the levels themselves are also pretty bland, at least compared to what would come later. Also, the AI in this game literally cheats in order to make you not come in first place. I'm not kidding, look up a video on YouTube. Still recommend just experiencing this if you're into the history of gaming or this franchise at all.

lets be real, we all know this game is ass and is just nostalgia. also hard for a game this outdated to stay up to standard today unless it's mario 64

Despite how good the series would go on to be this first entry is an absolutely miserable experience.

Bad handling, AI that cheats constantly and boring items, unless you have some kind of deep nostalgia for playing it when younger then stick to later entries and skip this absolute nonsense